By geekignore
Platform | Description |
Youtube (Preliminary) | App Demo |
Youtube (Finals) | App Demo |
Figma | Wireframes |
Code submission for GovTech CodeFiesta-2021
"Solutions to improve the process of moving to Singapore (whether those new to Singapore or those returning to Singapore)"
While planning the move, from itinerary to obtaining travel documents, people are often faced with complicated procedures, confusing information and feelings of loneliness. OneStop solves all of that in a single app.
- People who are intending to migrate/travel to Singapore
- People who are returning to Singapore
Applications and documents required for migration are consolidated into a single platform.
Users kept up-to-date on the latest news in Singapore. This is to allow better assimilation into the local community.
Fun facts and quizzes on Singapore are provided to users, sorted by category. This is to help users better understand Singapore in an engaging way.
Users are able to form personal connections with like-minded individuals with similar backgrounds to explore Singapore and complete missions.
Refer to official Expo documentation
npm install --global expo-cli
Refer to official Firestore documentation
- Navigate to
and copy the above config into the file
- We do not own or license any copyrights in the images used in the application. You may use the Services and the contents contained in the Services soley for your own individual non-commercial and informational purposes only.