
Metrics collector for some Mandrel and Quarkus CI

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Usage (stage)

The staging system is a place that could randomly get re-deployed, removed or that could have its data erased.

Sign-up a new user

  1. Pick a username:
    $ curl -s -X POST --data 'username=karm&email=karm@redhat.com' \
      https://stage-collector.foci.life/public/signup | jq
    "message": "User was successfully created. Check your email for further instructions. \
    Having issues? Drop a message to admin@collector.foci.life."
  2. The following email will arrive in your mailbox:
    Subject: Welcome to the Collector collective!
    Hello karm,
    Use this one time token to set your password:
    curl -X POST --data 'password=This is my password.&token=b2aef796a6854140097628505e8395d4e75f5f462cff4c3f37a073aca32a8cd10a6e1e0968f5b067087d38cb6115449e39e6d109099beeed636fb242541f6ffc' \
  3. You can use it to set a password:
    $ curl -s -X POST --data 'password=This is my password.&token=b2aef796a6854140097628505e8395d4e75f5f462cff4c3f37a073aca32a8cd10a6e1e0968f5b067087d38cb6115449e39e6d109099beeed636fb242541f6ffc' \
    https://stage-collector.foci.life/public/changepasswd | jq
    "message": "Your password was successfully changed. Try logging in, e.g. \
    curl -X POST -b cookie.txt -c cookie.txt --data 'j_username=Your_Username&j_password=Your Password' \

Create a new API token

  1. Logged-in users can create API tokens. Log-in:
    $ curl -s -X POST -b cookie.txt -c cookie.txt --data 'j_username=karm&j_password=This is my password.' \
  2. Create a token, e.g. with read-only "r" permissions:
    $ curl -s -b cookie.txt -c cookie.txt -X POST https://stage-collector.foci.life/api/tokens/create/r | jq
    "token": "3dbe70428399c9174debe65597557fd30dc9dae1d4be961f3f723ad586eb81bb313342e1bcc140e74ff21e17d7b1196386fdb51bbb5db1034bea7dfd2c57f9a7",
    "message": "Save the token safely. This is the only time it could be displayed."
  3. Delete a token (so as it's no longer usable):
    $ curl -s -b cookie.txt -c cookie.txt -X DELETE https://stage-collector.foci.life/api/tokens/delete/3dbe70428399c9174debe65597557fd30dc9dae1d4be961f3f723ad586eb81bb313342e1bcc140e74ff21e17d7b1196386fdb51bbb5db1034bea7dfd2c57f9a7 | jq
    "message": "Deleted tokens: 1"

Use API token

e.g. with a demo report:

$ curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "token: 2aa3f1a7a560d5e48385dba7d4893593aad409997b8e7ed9dd7d59008d9d5c36b9860921be25d412bc72b3f10fdc7bc1f3a6225c121e7525b81e8559d459703e" \
--data '{"something":"hahaha","data":42}' https://stage-collector.foci.life/api/report/test | jq
  "data": 42,
  "something": "hahaha"


GitHub action builds, tests and deploys main branch to https://stage-collector.foci.life/. The end of the build spits out the expected version:

Version 1.0.0-6-g7d663ea should be on https://stage-collector.foci.life/

And that shows on the web too:

$ curl -s https://stage-collector.foci.life/public/version