
Ansible playbook for a cgroupv2 setup for OpenJDK testing

MIT LicenseMIT

OpenJDK cgroup v2 setup

This repository contains a rudimentary ansible playbook for a basic cgroup v2 setup which then works for OpenJDK jtreg container tests.

Note: This has only been tested on Fedora Workstation (33-39) so far.



  • Fresh installed Fedora host (VM or physical)
  • Configured ansible hosts
$ grep -A1 cgroup /etc/ansible/hosts 
$ ansible cgroup_test_hosts -m ping | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

In order to run the cgroup v2 setup as playbook do:

$ git clone https://github.com/jerboaa/openjdk-cgroupv2-setup.git
$ cd openjdk-cgroupv2-setup.git
$ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass config_cgroupv2.yml

Then, once you've done that prepare the JDK to test and run them. Example:

$ rm -rf JTwork/ JTreport && jtreg -e:PATH \
                               -timeout:4 -jdk:./jdk-build -verbose:summary \
                               -Djdk.test.container.command=podman \
                               -Djdk.test.docker.image.name=fedora \
                               -Djdk.test.docker.image.version=32 \