- Contributors: twinpictures, baden03
- Donate link: http://plugins.twinpictures.de/plugins/collapse-o-matic/
- Tags: collapse, expand, collapsible, expandable, expandable content, collapsable content, shortcode, hidden, hide, display, accordion, accordion, jQuery, javascript, roll-your-own, twinpictures, read me, read more, more, plugin oven
- Requires at least: 4.0
- Tested up to: 4.4.1
- Stable tag: 1.7.1d
- License: GPLv2 or later
- License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
Collapse-O-Matic adds an [expand title="trigger text"]hidden content[/expand]
shortcode that will wrap any content, including other shortcodes, into a lovely jQuery expanding and collapsing div. A complete listing of shortcode options and attribute demos are available, as well as free community support.
- Old-school: upload the
folder to the/wp-content/plug-ins/
directory via FTP. Hipster: Ironically add collapse-o-matic via the WordPress Plug-ins menu. - Activate the Plug-in
- Add a the shortcode to your post like so:
[expand title="Displayed Title Goes Here"]Hidden content goes here[/expand]
- Test that the this plug-in meets your demanding needs.
- Tweak the CSS to match your flavour.
- Rate the plug-in and verify if it works at wordpress.org.
- Leave a comment regarding bugs, feature request, cocktail recipes at http://wordpress.org/tags/jquery-collapse-o-matic/
Where can I translate this plugin into my favourite language?
- Community translation for Collapse-O-Matic has been set up. All are welcome to join.
I am a Social Netwookiee, might Twinpictures have a Facebook page?
- Yes, yes... Twinpictures is on Facebook.
Does Twinpictures do the Twitter?
- Ah yes! @Twinpictures does the twitter tweeting around here.
How does one use the shortcode, exactly?
- A complete listing of shortcode options has been provided to answer this exact question.
Is Galato the same as Ice Cream?
- No. Not even close.