You've got to pimp my lock !
If you are logged at 42Paris, you can skip to Usage at 42Paris section
- head
- column
- sed
- cat
- mediainfo
- tail
- pqiv
- mpv
- xwininfo
- grep
- awk
- wmctrl
- xdotool
- bash
sudo apt install coreutils bsdextrautils x11-utils sed mediainfo pqiv mpv grep wmctrl xdotool bash
If any file are missing during build, try using apt-file
. See here
./ <path_to_media> [<x> <y> [<width> <height>]]
/sgoinfre/goinfre/Perso/jmaia/Public/pimp_my_lock_v2/pimp_my_lock <path_to_media> [<x> <y> [<width> <height>]]
Values can be percents or keywords. See help using /sgoinfre/goinfre/Perso/jmaia/Public/pimp_my_lock_v2/pimp_my_lock
without arguments
- Create a script called "$HOME/" that will start Pimp my lock with your arguments
- Disable old lock button: gnome-extensions disable
- Get Pimp my lock's button: cp -R /sgoinfre/goinfre/Perso/jmaia/Public/pimp_my_lock_v2/ ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
- Restart your session
- Enable Pimp my lock's button: gnome-extensions enable
If you have any problem, please open an issue on
- Fork this repository (
- Create a feature branch
- Do your things
- Open a Pull Request on v2 branch