
Link to live site:

Welcome to my Work Day Scheduler! The initial state of the app shows timeblocks for a typical work day from 8am to 5pm. Each timeblock is color coded depending on the current time of day (gray = in the past, red = in the present, green = in the future). As the hour of the day changes, the color coding will automatically update. Each timeblock can be used to enter a scheduled event or a todo, after which the user can click a save button to persist the corresponding inputs to local storage. A few additional details about this app include:

  • The current day is displayed at the top of the calendar and is automatically updated when a day turns over
  • There are select options for start and end times if the user wishes to view a different block of hours for their schedule
  • The save buttons for each timeblock are shown to the user only when there is unsaved user input in a timeblock

The following is a screenshot of the finished product:
