Firebase Song Playlist App

This is a Flutter application that fetches and displays songs from a Firebase Firestore database. The app fetches song IDs from a playlist document in Firestore, then fetches and displays the corresponding songs.


  • Fetches song IDs from a playlist document in Firestore.
  • Fetches the corresponding songs from Firestore using the fetched IDs.
  • Displays the songs in a list.
  • Implements infinite scrolling by fetching and displaying 20 songs at a time.
  • Displays a loading indicator while fetching new songs.
  • On tap of a song, navigates to a detailed page displaying its lyrics.
  • Provides a search bar to search for songs by title. The search is case-insensitive and can match any part of the title.
  • Allows navigation between different playlists.
  • Users can favorite songs, which are then stored and displayed in a separate 'Favorites' list.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Run flutter pub get to fetch the dependencies.
  4. Set up your Firebase project and add your google-services.json (for Android) or GoogleService-Info.plist (for iOS) to the project.
  5. Run flutter run to start the app.

Code Overview

The main logic of the app is in the HomeScreen widget in lib/home.dart. The fetchSongs method fetches song IDs from a playlist document in Firestore, then fetches the corresponding songs and adds them to the songs list. The ListView.builder widget in the build method displays the songs in the songs list.

The fetchSongs method fetches 20 songs at a time for efficient data usage and better performance. It keeps track of the last fetched song's index and starts from the next one in the subsequent fetch. A loading indicator is displayed while fetching new songs.

The SongDetailPage widget in lib/song_detail_page.dart displays the details of a song. When a song in the list is tapped, the app navigates to the SongDetailPage and displays the song's lyrics.

The app also includes Firebase authentication features, with sign-in and sign-out buttons.

Firebase Firestore Structure

The Firestore database includes a playlist collection with playlist documents. Each playlist document includes a songIds field, which is an array of song IDs.

The song collection includes song documents. Each song document's ID corresponds to an ID in a playlist's songIds array.

Firebase Firestore Structure

The Firestore database includes two main collections: playlist and song.

The playlist collection contains playlist documents. Each playlist document has a songIds field, which is an array of song IDs. The IDs correspond to the documents in the song collection.

The song collection contains song documents. Each song document's ID corresponds to an ID in a playlist's songIds array. The song document includes fields like title, lyrics, and titleSubstrings (used for search functionality).

In addition to these, there is a users collection for storing user-specific data. Each user document in this collection has a favoriteSongs field, which is an array of song IDs. These IDs correspond to the user's favorite songs in the song collection.

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The app supports iOS, Android, and macOS. The platform-specific code is in the ios, android, and macos directories.