
A simple starter with react, react-router, styled-component & testing tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Webpack


This project use webpack & babel 7 with React, hot reload and hot module replacement are also set.

Material includes:

  • React 16
  • Jest / Enzyme
  • Eslint Airbnb config
  • Scss/Sass support

Step 1

Installing all project dependencies.

> npm install   // Install dependencies
> npm start     // Run application

Code quality

This project use Jest and EsLint to ensure a good code quality. EsLint is configured with Airbnb styleguide. You can find Enzyme config in ./config/enzyme folder.

The global jest treshold is set to 100% in jest.config.js file line 47. You can change it if you want.

Command for testing (set in package.json):

> npm run test:snapshot  // Only update snapshot
> npm run test:coverage  // Only run test with coverage
> npm test               // Run snapshot update, test with coverage and, at the end, linting !

The "coverage" folder can be found in ./config/jest/ folder.


In src/assets you can find 3 folders: fonts, img and style. For styling you can choose between css or Scss.