Benchmark suite for scikit-learn performances using airspeed velocity.
To get started,
Create a conda environment and activate it and install pip in it (you can get conda by installing miniconda).
Install asv (airspeed velocity):
pip install asv
- Clone this repo:
git clone
cd scikit-learn_benchmarks
- To run the full benchmark suite (warning: this can take several hours) use the following (see the docs to change the environments config or run only selected benchmarks):
asv run -b _bench
- To run the benchmarks for a specific model, use the
-b <modelname>
flag, e.g.:
asv run -b KMeans
You can configure the benchmarks by editing the
file. -
To publish the results in html format, run
asv publish
andasv preview
daal4py patches of scikit-learn:
Special instructions to run the benchmarks with the- Create a conda environment with scikit-learn, joblib, pillow and daal4py installed.
- Install asv with
pip install git+git://
(see this PR) - To benchmark scikit-learn vanilla, run:
asv run --python=same --commit-label=vanilla_sklearn -b _bench
- To benchmark scikit-learn with the patches, first edit the
file with:
import daal4py.sklearn
- Then run:
asv run --python=same --commit-label=daal4py_sklearn -b _bench
Compare benchmarks
- To get a quick overview of the comparison of 2 benchmarks, run:
asv compare commit_hash_1 commit_hash_2
Commit hashes can be replaced by labels if you run the benchmarks against an existing environment (see above), for instance:
asv run --python=same --commit-label=daal4py_sklearn -b _bench
- To get a csv file of the results run:
python commit_hash_1 commit_hash_2
Commit hashes can be replaced by labels also.