
api for keepalived virtual_server

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Create API REST for keepavlived virtual_server (generate file, reload keepalived and ipvs command)


export GO111MODULE=on
go build -o lvslb-api


 ./lvslb-api -h
 	Usage of ./lvslb-api:
	-cert string
		file of certificat for https
	-dir_keepalived string
    		directory for keepalived files (default "/etc/keepalived/keepalived-ipvs.d/")
	-htpasswd string
    		htpasswd file for login:password
    		https = true or false
	-ip string
    		listen on IP (default "")
	-key string
    		file of key for https
	-log string
    		file for access log (default "/var/log/lvslb-api.access.log")
    -mon_add string
            script for monitoring add witch arguments $protocol $ip $port $backends $mon_period
    -mon_change string
            script for monitoring change witch arguments $protocol $ip $port $backends $mon_period
    -mon_remove string
            script for monitoring remove witch arguments $protocol $ip $port $backends $mon_period
	-port string
    		listen on port (default "8080")
	-reload_cmd string
    		command for reload ipvs keepalived process (default "service keepalived reload")
	-sleep int
    		time for sleep after reload ipvs keepalived (default 5)

API List :

LIST ALL IPVS /list_ipvs_all/
status of all virtual_server ipvs

LIST ONE IPVS /list_ipvs/{protocol}/{IP}/{port}/
status for one virtual_server ipvs
?stats=true for stats instead connections
?zero=true for reset stats
?count=true for count real_server in virtual_server pool

ADD /add_ipvs/{proto}/{IP}/{port}/

REMOVE /remove_ipvs/{proto}/{IP}/{port}/

CHECK /check_ipvs/{proto}/{IP}/{port}/

MODIFY /change_ipvs/{proto}/{IP}/{port}/

All requests need json in body (except LIST) with these parameters :

  • IP : IP for virtual_server
  • Port : Port for virtual_server
  • Protocol : Protocol for virtual_server (TCP|UDP|SCTP)
  • Lb_algo : Algorithm for load balancing (rr|wrr|lc|wlc|lblc|sh|dh)
  • Lb_kind : Type of load balancing (NAT|DR|TUN)
  • Persistence_timeout : Persistence timeout for client sticky to backend
  • Delay_loop : Timer before each backend check
  • Sorry_IP : (Optional) IP of sorry server if all backend server is out of pool
  • Sorry_Port : (Optional) [Default: $Port ] Port of sorry server if all backend server is out of pool
  • []Backends : List of backends with this parameters :
    • IP : IP of backend
    • Port : (Optional) [Default: $Port ] Port of backend
    • Check_type : Type of check (TCP_CHECK|HTTP_GET|SSL_GET|MISC_CHECK)
    • Weight : (Optional) [Default: 1 ] Weight of backend ratio to total weights
    • Check_port : (Optional) [Default: $Backend.Port] Port for check if different of Port
    • Check_timeout : (Optional) Timeout for check
    • Nb_get_retry : (Optional) Retry before remove backend from the pool
    • Delay_before_retry : (Optional) Timer before retry after failure
    • Url_path : Url for HTTP_GET and SSL_GET
    • Url_digest : (Optional) Digest of response for HTTP_GET and SSL_GET
    • Url_status_code : (Optional) HTTP Code of response for HTTP_GET and SSL_GET
    • Misc_path : (Optional) Path for MISC_CHECK