A starter-kit project from which to create your koa + SurrealDB projects
This project is a simple rest API built with koa.js and SurrealDB
This starter kit comes with the following endpoints:
- GET '/events' - lists all events
- POST '/events' - create new event
- GET '/events/:id' - get specific event by id
- PATCH '/events/:id' - update a specific event by id
- DELETE '/events/:id' - delete specific event by id
The database setup for this starter kit is schema-less and accepts any form of data.
- Ensure you have SurrealDB installed and running.
- This starterkit was built around using an in-memory store.
-- Start surreal with:
surreal start memory -A --auth --user root --pass root
- Alternatively you can use a persistent storage with:
surreal start --log trace --user root --pass root --bind file://path/to/mydatabase
More info here: On Disk: SurrealDB Docs
After the database is up and running:
- Clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:jerempy/surrealdb-starter-koa.git
- Ensure you have node:
node --version
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the server:
npm run server
The default host and port is
Using postman or something similar:
The following environment variables are looked for (with their defaults):
SERVER_PORT || 8001;
SURREAL_USER || 'root';
Some recommendations for next steps and extending are:
- Set up middleware for things such as authentication and authorization.
- Use SurrealDB as a peristent data store.
- As more models get added these can be moved into their own models folder
If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.