
UI components based on emotion

MIT LicenseMIT

joy (WIP)

UI components based on emotion.


This component allows to handle layout properties (based on flexboxes).

<Box direction="y" width="100% 100px|sx:100%" height="100%" align="center" distribute="center" />
// or
<joy.box margin="10px 0" xl-margin="20px 0" />


  • as (the element : h1, div, main)
  • direction (x, y)
  • width CSSSize
  • height CSSSize
  • grow true/false
  • align
  • shrink true/false
  • direction
  • distribute
  • margin
  • padding
  • overflow : "auto" | "none" | "visible"
  • position: "absolute" | "relative"
  • spacing
  • opacity
  • wrap true | false
  • onClick (automatically adds cursor pointer when onClick is defined)


Inerits from Box. Add some typograhy related properties.

<Text fontFamily="theme.text.font" fontSize="theme.text.legend" color="theme.color.foreground" />
<Text color="theme.color.primary" width="100px 100%" height="100px" />


  • color: CSSColor | theme
  • fontSize (in rem)
  • fontWeight
  • textAlign
  • lineHeight
  • letterSpacing
  • selectable
  • emphasis
  • linesCount


  • Automacilly import icons with glob ??
  • use


More generic approach ? Handle pseudo states ?

Input, TextArea, etc.


Theme ???

  • Maybe rename some stuffs, make it easier to use?
  • Handle "monochrome" colors as levels (ex dark0, dark1, dark2, and light0, light1, light2)
  • Handle sizes (text sizes, padding???)

Questions ?

  • handle background / transform ?
  • handle hover/active states ?