OrgMsg is a GNU/Emacs global minor mode mixing up Org mode and Message mode to compose and reply to emails in a Outlook HTML friendly style.
Emacs LispGPL-3.0
- 5
org-msg leads to saving html draft after sending
#200 opened by jsilve24 - 1
Proper way to inject css
#174 opened by pseudomyne - 1
- 1
Headers of cited message are incorrectly rendered by function org-msg-save-article-for-reply-mu4e
#198 opened by timhadley - 36
`mu 1.12.0` breaks `org-msg`
#182 opened by abougouffa - 0
ASCII quote blocks breaks conversion to html
#197 opened by ldartez - 16
- 1
Cannot get proselint to load as checker
#192 opened by atanasj - 3
compose error with mu4e
#186 opened by danielgoldin - 0
org-msg-edit-mode-mu4e: Symbol’s function definition is void: mu4e~compose-remap-faces
#193 opened by OrionRandD - 1
- 0
- 0
- 4
adding courier font command
#187 opened by danielgoldin - 2
[Feature Request] Addressee tagging generating a mailto link in the message body
#179 opened by molok - 3
`mu` v1.11.23 breaks `org-msg`
#176 opened by benthamite - 2
- 1
inline images in parent message have the wrong content-disposition (attached) when replying
#177 opened by molok - 1
Documentation for org-msg-options
#175 opened by robstewart57 - 5
Unwanted *ORG ASCII Export* buffer
#169 opened by kourosh2 - 1
Temporary reply-to filepaths are not persisted
#172 opened by robstewart57 - 0
Customise reply/forward citation lines (currently sometimes shows several authors in From: and duplicate authors in Cc:)
#171 opened by prbuen - 1
Forwarding email with inline image or LaTeX formula fails (reverts to text), but replying works (keeps html)
#170 opened by prbuen - 16
Support for mu4e 1.8.x?
#157 opened by ifinkelstein - 17
Troubleshooting emacs hanging when replying to certain messages with org-msg
#154 opened by peterhoeg - 3
mail address completion
#146 opened by mclearc - 1
Reply and wide reply do not invoke org-msg
#164 opened by DrWaleedAYousef - 0
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Issues getting setup with notmuch.
#151 opened by groceryheist - 5
Three styling suggestions
#143 opened by jonkri - 0
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- 0
Problems with yanking
#161 opened by SebastianHalbig - 17
org-msg is not activated with mu4e-compose-reply
#153 opened by baracunatana - 1
- 0
Duplicates properties in gnus drafts
#137 opened by Hugo-Heagren - 0
CSS-Styling for nested lists
#155 opened by Perangelot - 9
error when reply to mail
#142 opened by DarkBuffalo - 3
- 1
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How to temporarily disable Org-Msg for other functions (e.g. gnus-icalendar)
#136 opened by morganwillcock - 0
suggestion: use a reproducible name for preview
#148 opened by Hugo-Heagren - 0
message-send freezes emacs
#147 opened by Maverickzero - 0
mailto links insert body before org-msg-header
#145 opened by axgfn - 1
Drag and drop support not working
#144 opened by Chris00 - 1
doom emacs mu4e error "Backend not found"
#140 opened by mbenecke - 3
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Inline images missing from reply message
#134 opened by eddiegroves - 2
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Melpa Stable
#139 opened by husainaloos