
Example project with a custom algorithm.

Primary LanguageJava

LensKit Example Algorithm

This demo extends lenskit-hello to use a custom recommender algorithm. This example is a user-item personalized mean recommender.

This is intended to serve as a starting point and example for building your own custom algorithms. If you want to just use a user-item personalized mean scorer for recommendation, use LensKit's UserMeanItemScorer.

Project Setup

This project uses Gradle for build and dependency management. It is easy to import into an IDE; Gradle support is included with or available for NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse. These IDEs will import your project directly from the Gradle build.gradle file and set up the build and dependencies.

The build.gradle file contains the project definition and its dependencies. Review this for how we pull in LensKit, and how to depend on other modules.

Building and Running

In the Gradle build, we use the Application plugin to create a shell script and copy the dependency JARs in order to run the LensKit application.

You'll also need a data set. You can get the MovieLens 100K data set here.

Once you have a data set, you can run lenskit-hello through your IDE, or from the command line as follows:

$ ./gradlew build
$ /bin/sh target/hello/bin/lenskit-hello.sh ml100k/u.data <userid>

The default delimiter is the tab character.

Understanding the Code

The custom algorithm code lives in the org.grouplens.lenskit.hello package.

The algorithm implements the formula:

s(i,j) = global_mean + item_bias + user_bias

The custom algorithm consists of three classes:

  • The item scorer (UserItemBiasItemScorer). Most LensKit algorithms are based on a new ItemScorer implementation.
  • The model, BiasModel, that stores the global mean and item biases. It is expensive to recompute item averages every time that recommendations are needed, so the code precomputes them in a model. Many recommenders will have some kind of model that gets pre-computed.
  • The model builder BiasModelBuilder. This class takes the data and computes the model.

Item Scorer

LensKit algorithms usually start with a custom item scorer, implementing the ItemScorer interface. The item scorer computes user-personalized scores for items, that can then be used to rank items for recommendation or to compute rating predictions.

ItemScorer has 3 different methods that allow it to be used in different ways. The base class AbstractItemScorer simplifies the work of writing an item scorer; classes that inherit from it need to implement one of the methods.

UserItemBiasItemScorer is the custom item scorer implementation. Some things to note:

  • Its constructor is annotated with @Inject. This tells LensKit that it can use the the constructor to create instances of the item scorer. This annotation needs to be on exactly one constructor for class that implements a piece of a LensKit algorithm (we call these pieces components).

  • The constructor has two parameters. These parameters are dependencies, and LensKit will make sure that objects of the appropriate type are available and provide them as constructor arguments. This lets LensKit algorithms be flexible and modular, without requiring a lot of manual code in order to work. If a component needs some other component in order to function, it just ‘asks’ for it as a constructor argument, and LensKit provides it (or raises an error).

  • The item scorer uses several vector operations to accumulate the scores. See the sparse vector documentation for more on how to work with sparse vectors. The scores parameter to the score method is both an input and output parameter: the key domain of the vector has the items to score, and the score method stores the scores back in the vector.


Many algorithms have some kind of data that will be precomputed once from the data being used for recommendation, and then used to make many recommendations. For example, a matrix factorization recommender will need to compute the factorization of the rating matrix. This is often an expensive computation that will happen periodically (e.g. nightly).

In this example, the model (BiasModel) just stores the global mean rating and each item's bias (the difference between its average rating and the global average).

The model is annotated with the @Shareable annotation, telling LensKit that it can be shared and reused. It is also serializable, a requirement for shareable components.

It is also annotated with @DefaultBuilder, telling LensKit to use the BiasModelBuilder class to build the model. LensKit algorithms usually use a separate class to build models rather than performing the computation in the constructor, so that constructors stay simple and to provide a clean division between code that runs in advance to compute the recommendation model, code that uses the model, and the model itself that bridges between the two.

Model Builder

The model builder is itself a component (class) that implements the Provider interface. In this example, it is BiasModelBuilder.

It has an @Inject constructor; in this case, it just requires the EventDAO so it can get all the ratings. This dependency is annotated with @Transient, because the builder uses the DAO to compute averages that will be stored in the model, but the DAO is only used in the process of building the model and is not used by the model itself.

Using the Recommender

In this project, the HelloLenskit class has been modified to use our custom item scorer instead of item-item CF. It does this by binding the ItemScorer class to UserItemBiasItemScorer.

LensKit then does several things automatically:

  1. Create an instance of the model builder, using the configured data access object.
  2. Tell the model builder to create a model.
  3. Create an item scorer, using the model and a user-event DAO (which is built automatically from the event DAO that is configured in HelloLenskit).