Jeremy W. Sherman, July 2017
This is my version of the app developed across the first few chapters of the Big Nerd Ranch Android Programming Guide, 3 ed.
I worked the chapters in Kotlin, including challenges, using Android Studio 3.0 Canary 5.
I deviated from the text in that I skipped the landscape
layout variation
A key element of my solution is using the Kotlin Android Extensions to simplify accessing inflated layout widgets.
If you hit a class-cast exception after hacking on your layout XML,
do a full rebuild, and all should be well. This seems to happen when you use
the same ID with a new widget type, like changing @id/next_button
to ImageButton
- Canonical project URL:
- License: Derivative work of the BNR book, so probably, "It's complicated"
- Author: Jeremy W. Sherman, GitHub/GitLab @jeremy-w
- Maintainer: Unmaintained