You can view the list of puzzles at the official site.
Decided on Factor once I sorted out a sort of workable environment.
I'd like to do Factor or BQN, but:
getting Factor to run with source in a folder outside the language implementation itself requires messing around with env vars or other boot-time config, and getting the GUI listener (IDE and VM basically) to run seemed touch and go on macOS. Which is a shame, as the docs are mostly good, and Andrea Ferretti's Factor tutorial is comprehensive enough to get you places, if only I knew how to get started with a basic "here's how to work in a repo with Factor" walkthrough - a "second program" walkthrough, rather than "first program".
But perhaps the "use the work dir" hint from Joe Groff is enough for my needs - just symlink that?
By golly, that worked:
cd ~/Applications/factor # copied from the nightly DMG rm -r work ln -s /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/adventofcode-2021/src/ work env AUTHOR='Jeremy W. Sherman' ./
And then in Factor:
USE: tools.scaffold "palindrome" scaffold-work
Indeed created a new vocab in the target src/ folder!
BQN is entirely too foreign for me to mess around with just now. I have a decent theoretical understanding of Forth-likes, but APL derivatives? Not at all.
Owing to time constraints, I might wind up doing something boring that I already know how to use. Alas.
- Inputs go in inputs/dayN.txt.
- Code goes in src/dayN.
- Fire up the GUI from the factor/ directory.
- Before scripts/scaffold:
- "dayNN" dup scaffold-work scaffold-test
- pbpaste > src/dayNN/input.txt
- Copy the previous day to get the basic structure down.
- Now:
- scripts/scaffold 07 # or whatever
- Fill in the example, work on parsing, write some tests.
One of my keyboards sends weird F key codes.
- Help: F1:
\ word help
- See help for a vocab:
"vocab-name" about
, e.g."assocs" about
- See help for a vocab:
- Refresh: F2:
- Errors: F3: