
Advent of Code 2021 solutions

Primary LanguageFactor

Advent of Code 2021

You can view the list of puzzles at the official site.

Programming Language of the Month

Decided on Factor once I sorted out a sort of workable environment.


I'd like to do Factor or BQN, but:

  • getting Factor to run with source in a folder outside the language implementation itself requires messing around with env vars or other boot-time config, and getting the GUI listener (IDE and VM basically) to run seemed touch and go on macOS. Which is a shame, as the docs are mostly good, and Andrea Ferretti's Factor tutorial is comprehensive enough to get you places, if only I knew how to get started with a basic "here's how to work in a repo with Factor" walkthrough - a "second program" walkthrough, rather than "first program".

    But perhaps the "use the work dir" hint from Joe Groff is enough for my needs - just symlink that?

    By golly, that worked:

    cd ~/Applications/factor  # copied from the nightly DMG
    rm -r work
    ln -s /ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/adventofcode-2021/src/ work
    env AUTHOR='Jeremy W. Sherman' ./Factor.app/Contents/MacOS/factor

    And then in Factor:

    USE: tools.scaffold
    "palindrome" scaffold-work

    Indeed created a new vocab in the target src/ folder!

  • BQN is entirely too foreign for me to mess around with just now. I have a decent theoretical understanding of Forth-likes, but APL derivatives? Not at all.

Owing to time constraints, I might wind up doing something boring that I already know how to use. Alas.


  • Inputs go in inputs/dayN.txt.
  • Code goes in src/dayN.

Daily Workflow

  • Fire up the GUI from the factor/ directory.
  • Before scripts/scaffold:
    • "dayNN" dup scaffold-work scaffold-test
    • pbpaste > src/dayNN/input.txt
    • Copy the previous day to get the basic structure down.
  • Now:
    • scripts/scaffold 07 # or whatever
  • Fill in the example, work on parsing, write some tests.

Working Around F Keys

One of my keyboards sends weird F key codes.

  • Help: F1: \ word help
    • See help for a vocab: "vocab-name" about, e.g. "assocs" about
  • Refresh: F2: refresh-all
  • Errors: F3: show-error-list