
Spending a week off work looking into the bits of Swift that have me head-scratching.

Primary LanguageSwift

Dive into Swift

  • Unconference: Week of 10th October 2016
  • Jeremy W. Sherman
  • Charter: https://goo.gl/ERUan5 (private docco for my reference)
  • Requirement: Produce 3 blog posts within 90 days of conclusion.

2016-10-10 (Mon)

The plan for this week:

  • Up front: Capture questions I want answered
  • Repeatedly:
    • Pick the question annoying me the most or the most useful
    • Crack it


  • Reviewed the type grammar and reference in The Swift Programming Language.
  • Found the typechecker docs in the Swift repo itself and read through those.
    • ???: What the heck is an archetype? Shows up all over in the compiler source, mentioned in then typechecker doc, defined NOWHERE!
  • Refined my understanding of some of Swift's more detailed bits and bobs (inheritance, tuple types, default values, generics).
  • Inadvertently answered my "why is - seealso: broken in Quick Help?" question: It's now - see: per the RNG schema here.

Questions answered today are from the LANGUAGE grouping.

  • Language:
    • What types can we build?
      • Edge case: "if you apply both a prefix and a postfix operator to the same operand, the postfix operator is applied first."
    • How exactly does inheritance operate? (required init)
      • Initializers don't propagate down to subtypes unless required. Whatever initializer the subtype adds does have to chain up to one in the superclass, though.

      • Fillip: You can inherit initializers (including convenience) as long as you don't add your own designated init, OR you implement all the superclass's designated inits (which means the superclass's convenience inits conveniently hit one of your overridden inits for sure).

        • This gets triggered a lot in practice.
        • ???: Does having an NSObject in the inheritance hierarchy suddenly mean that Obj-C-y inheritance rules come into play?
      • Final can be applied, not just to the class as a whole, but also just to specific methods/properties/subcripts. Including if they're added via an extension.

      • Subclasses do NOT get a crack at constant properties of their superclasses.

      • Ooh, workaround for annoyance:

        If you want your custom value type to be initializable with the default initializer and memberwise initializer, and also with your own custom initializers, write your custom initializers in an extension rather than as part of the value type’s original implementation.

      • case let foo as Thing is a kind of cast I forgot existed. I think I also tend to forget about where clauses on cases.

    • How should we think about default args, especially if you want to un-default the second but not the first?
      • I had a init(foo: Foo = Foo(), bar: Bar = Bar()) and wanted to invoke with a custom Bar, so did init(bar: BarBazzle). The compiler then yelled that it expected foo and what was I trying to pull?
      • You can't skip them like Python - if they're not present, they're defaulted, but otherwise, they have to be present, in order. So order of arguments when you plan to default matters.
    • What is just sugar, vs what's essential?
      • Not a ton of sugar. Function types get pretty complicated.
    • What can we destructure, and where?
      • See Patterns
      • Two classes in intro section, but really, three in truth:
        • Limited, with simple variable/constant/optional binding or wildcard (_). Can limit it a bit with type annotation; this is how we flow type info back from the decl to the literal in let x: UInt8 = 3. Tuple bindings are fair game here, though!
        • Full pattern matching, which is done at runtime and can fail, is used with switch/case, do/catch, and if/while/guard/for-in case.
        • Overridable match-operator ~= pattern matching, available only in switch/case per the book.
      • Case exhaustiveness is kind of derpy. I used Python to generate an exhaustive identity function for UInt8
        • one case for each of 0 through 255 - and still got the "consider a default" error. See exhaustive-uint8.swift.
      • Constant declarations are identifier pattern matches. So you can do let (a, b) = (1, 2) to define a and b.
        • Identical to 1-tuple patterns, too:

          The parentheses around a tuple pattern that contains a single element have no effect. The pattern matches values of that single element’s type.

      • NOTE: Swift docs language now calls let-bound names "constants" and var-bound names "variables".
      • Nice trick: for case let x? in Xs instead of for x in Xs { guard let reallyX = x else { continue }.
      • Expression patterns are only valid in switch-case and use

2016-10-11 (Tues)

  • Poked at enums and exhaustiveness and raw values a bit. The raw assignment really is pretty braindead. This is a good move in terms of predictability and mental modeling, so, I like it.
  • Investigated Swift + Obj-C usage without an xcodeproj. Figured out how to do it, as well as came to a better understanding of what Xcode is doing to compile combined Swift + Obj-C projects.
    • Do note that I only looked at the "all in the same module" case; I haven't looked into cross-module uses, either Swift–Swift or Swift–Obj-C.
  • Learned that Swift defends its initializer inheritance rules at runtime if called into from Obj-C. Ouch.
  • Sussed out the AnyFoo protocol => generic type erasure dealy.

Questions answered today:

  • Language:
    • Does having an NSObject in the inheritance hierarchy suddenly mean that Obj-C-y initializer inheritance rules come into play? Or are those just always in play, but only from Obj-C code, if you're calling into a Swift hierarchy from Obj-C?
      • They're visible still from Obj-C, but not from Swift. This is made clear by the generated header if you use -emit-objc-header with swiftc. It dumps out a line in the interface for a class like:

        - (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
      • If called from Obj-C, even though in the header, they will explode with a fatal error about an unimplemented initializer at runtime. Fun fun! So, uh, don't do that.

    • What does the "AnyFoo" type-erasure trick mean, and how does it really work?
      • It substitutes subtype polymorphism for parametric polymorphism.

Exhaustiveness Games

  • Swift fails to note exhaustiveness of a switch over UInt8.
  • More edge case funz to try today:
    • What happens if I make an enum backed by UInt8 with more than 256 cases?
      • Overflow error
    • What if I make an enum backed by Int8 with more than 128 cases - does it start using negative numbers as the raw value eventually?
      • Overflow error
    • If I make a non-raw enum with 256 cases and switch/case over it, does it correctly identify it as exhaustive, or does it just flip out past a certain number?
      • A-OK

More Cases Than Raw Values: Error


s = "enum TooBig: UInt8 {\n" + "\n".join(["    case {0}".format("value" + str(i)) for i in range(0, 257)]) + "\n}\n"
file("uint8-enum-257-cases.swift", 'w').write(s)

Error emitted twice (???), but correctly handled:

> swift uint8-enum-257-cases.swift
uint8-enum-257-cases.swift:258:10: error: integer literal '256' overflows when stored into 'UInt8'
    case value256
uint8-enum-257-cases.swift:258:10: error: integer literal '256' overflows when stored into 'UInt8'
    case value256

Signed Overflow: Error

s = "enum Overflows: Int8 {\n" + "\n".join(["    case {0}".format("value" + str(i)) for i in range(0, 256)]) + "\n}\n"
file("int8-enum-256-cases.swift", 'w').write(s)

Double output again, this time counting down from 256 to 128 and then again. Errors look like:

int8-enum-256-cases.swift:130:10: error: integer literal '128' overflows when stored into 'Int8'
    case value128

So, it simply counts up, then tries to store into the backing value. Nothing clever.

My Own UInt8 Exhaustiveness Check: A-OK

s = "enum ManyCases{\n" + "\n".join(["    case {0}".format("value" + str(i)) for i in range(0, 256)]) + "\n\n"
s += "var uint8: UInt8 {\n  switch self {\n" + "\n".join(["    case .{0}: return {1}".format("value" + str(i), i) for i in range(0, 256)]) + "\n}\n}\n"
s += "}\n"
file("my-256-case-enum-exhaustiveness.swift", 'w').write(s)

Compiles just fine.

How do we hand-compile an Obj-C file linking against Swift?

Say we write a standalone Swift file Foo.swift.

We can build it with:

xcrun -sdk macosx10.12 swiftc -emit-module -emit-objc-header Foo.swift -module-name Foo

and get:

  • Foo.swiftmodule
  • Foo.h

Now say we want to @import Foo from UsesFoo.m. What do we need to do?

What Xcode Does

If you add an Obj-C file to a Swift project, it sets CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES=YES (so -fmodules) and SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER.

  • What does SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER change about compilation?
    • Xcode uses swift -c rather than swiftc.
    • It passes -import-objc-header /Full/Path/To/BridgingHeader.h.
      • This isn't doc'd under either swift --help or swiftc --help. Heck, swift --help doesn't even include the -c flag!
    • In debug, the -enable-testing flag also gets fed through. It also passes in clang flags via -Xcc escaping, like -DDEBUG=1.
  • How does Xcode compile a Swift project, anyway?
    • Xcode's compilation model appears to build each Foo.swift into all of Foopartial.swiftdoc, Foopartial.swiftmodule, and Foo.o, but with a module name set to that of the eventual overall module.
    • It first runs a swiftc -incremental A.swift B.swift -emit-module -emit-objc-header -import-objc-header Foo-Bridging.h -module-name Foo thing. Then it goes through each file independently. Weird!
    • The swiftdeps file dumped with -emit-reference-dependencies-path has an interesting list of all the identifiers that it cares about, whether they support dynamic lookup or not, and an interface hash.
    • After building all the swift files, it then runs a "Merge Module" step. Uses swift -emit-module rather than swift -c.
    • There's a fun -enable-objc-interop flag used with all the Swift steps. This isn't understood by plain swift or plain swiftc, but works with its swift -frontend -c -primary-file A.swift -enable-objc-interop -o A.o thing.
    • The -frontend flavor expects its own -sdk with a full path to the SDK folder.
    • The Foo-Swift.h header is just the name it uses for the -emit-objc-header-path filename.
    • That header gets ditto -rsrc'd over to the DerivedSources folder.
    • The Foo.swiftmodule gets ditto'd into the built products as Foo.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftmodule (for iPhone simulator).
    • The Foo.swiftdoc goes into Foo.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftdoc.
  • How does Obj-C linking proceed with the Swift stuff?
    • Compilation includes these interesting flags: -fmodules -gmodules -fobjc-abi-version=2 -fobjc-legacy-dispatch
    • It compiles the file to a .o file, so linking is a separate step.
    • It then invokes clang to do the final linking. The folder we dropped the Foo.swiftmodule/x86_64.swiftmodule into is added to -F. The -filelist includes all of the .o files, both Swift and Obj-C.
    • Linking adds -fobjc-link-runtime but omits -fobjc-abi-version=2 in favor of passing a version flag straight through to the linker.
    • -Xlinker is used to pass to the linker: -export_dynamic -no_deduplicate -objc_abi_version 2
    • And the really interesting one: -Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker Foo.swiftmodule. But it's the one from /Build/Intermediates not /Build/Products, so it's what we ditto'd over to x86_64.swiftmodule in the built products, i.e., the raw swiftc module output for our arch.

The "partial then merge" approach is an artefact of Xcode optimizing for the common case in a large project of wanting separate compilation. At the CLI, I can skip that.

It looks like, when it's in the same module, it does not build a .framework hierarchy anywhere. Though it does point -F at the folder containing the multiarch .swiftmodule bundle.

I don't see it feeding in the -Swift.h generated header anywhere. Probably because I'm not actually using any of the Swift stuff from my sample Obj-C code. Ah, yeah, you have to manually import the header if you need it using angle brackets per the using swift with objc docs.

I wonder if I can separately compile the swift file and then run the obj-c file and link against swift directly, or if I have to compile both separately, then link them all at the end?

OK, I've got it compiling with me importing the generated Swift header, but not linking:

> ./run initializer-inheritance-objc.m
running: cc -fobjc-arc -fmodules -Xlinker -add_ast_path -Xlinker build/NSSubclass.swiftmodule -F build/ initializer-inheritance-objc.m
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_OBJC_CLASS_$__TtC10NSSubclass10NSSubclass", referenced from:
      objc-class-ref in initializer-inheritance-objc-5f6225.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

This, I think, is where you need that .o file generated during Swift compilation.

swiftc itself doesn't understand the -enable-objc-interop flag.

Looks like you have to bludgeon swift -frontend -c into behaving. So you want something like /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.12.sdk/ on hand.

OK, so if you just run:

xcrun -sdk macosx10.12 swift -frontend -c -primary-file initializer-inheritance-and-nsobject.swift -module-name NSSubclass -sdk $SDKPATH -enable-objc-interop -o build/NSSubclass.o

it'll emit just the .o file. It's a legit .o file. You have to pass in all the needed swift files so it can resolve references and stuff. The primary file bit lets it know which are defined vs imported symbols, I expect.

So you want to swift all your files into a module (if you even need it? maybe not if you aren't linking other Swift stuff against it), then use the frontend to dump the objc-interop file, then you can feed that into the compilation of the Obj-C file. And then you're almost there:

running: cc -fobjc-arc -fmodules build/NSSubclass.o initializer-inheritance-objc.m
ld: library not found for -lswiftDispatch for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

So we need to link in all the swift library crud. That's presumably thanks to the fun undefined symbols in our object file like __swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftDispatch.

Running find across $SDKPATH garners:

> find $SDKPATH -name '*swiftDispatch*'

So, why doesn't Ld barf when Xcode does it? I don't see it doing anything to vend the swiftlibs. It appears to copy them in after. Maybe it just tells it "fear not, stuff will show up in time for runtime" via some of those flags I'm not familiar with, like -export_dynamic.

I found the swift libs living under: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/

There are shims and such there, too. The macosx folder has a bunch of dylibs and then an x86_64/ folder with a bunch of compiled apinotes, swiftdoc, and swiftmodules. So let's try adding that path to -L. And, sure enough, that's what I see Xcode doing, too, now that I know to look for it!

Now I just need to resolve my "duplicate symbol main" bit. Probably need to pass in the -parse-as-library flag when I build the Swift file, so it doesn't bundle all the top-level expressions into a C-style main() function.

And -parse-as-library tells it not to allow expressions at top level like the main() I had in there originally, because it's not a script. So that's a very good flag to know!

Ah, it also changes the visibility, though, so that my internal class is no longer exposed!

And, sure enough:

Swift methods and properties that are marked with the internal modifier and declared within a class that inherits from an Objective-C class are accessible to the Objective-C runtime. However, they are not accessible at compile time and do not appear in the generated header for a framework target. (https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40014216-CH10-ID172)

What's funny is that, prior to the -parse-as-library bit, it DID export the internal names!

And, with that publicized, I can build and link a.out. But I can't run it, because it expects to dylink against the libswift stuff, and I didn't set @rpath!

> ./a.out
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/jeremy/BNR/unconf-swift-dive/language/./a.out
  Reason: image not found
fish: './a.out' terminated by signal SIGTRAP (Trace or breakpoint trap)

And, at last, I have the answer I was looking for: You can call it from Obj-C, but Swift dynamically enforces its own initializer rules:

> ./a.out
initializer-inheritance-and-nsobject.swift: 4: 14: fatal error: use of unimplemented initializer 'init()' for class 'NSSubclass.NSSubclass'
fish: './a.out' terminated by signal SIGILL (Illegal instruction)

Backtrace looks like:

(lldb) bt
* thread #1: tid = 0x257dea6, 0x0000000100001811 a.out`NSSubclass.NSSubclass.init () -> NSSubclass.NSSubclass + 161, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
  * frame #0: 0x0000000100001811 a.out`NSSubclass.NSSubclass.init () -> NSSubclass.NSSubclass + 161
    frame #1: 0x0000000100001871 a.out`@objc NSSubclass.NSSubclass.init () -> NSSubclass.NSSubclass + 17
    frame #2: 0x00000001000027f7 a.out`main + 39
    frame #3: 0x00007fff803255ad libdyld.dylib`start + 1

So it looks like it intentionally overrid it just to trip a fatalError.

The disassembly is, uh, "fun":

a.out`NSSubclass.NSSubclass.init () -> NSSubclass.NSSubclass:
    0x100001770 <+0>:   pushq  %rbp
    0x100001771 <+1>:   movq   %rsp, %rbp
    0x100001774 <+4>:   subq   $0x10, %rsp
    0x100001778 <+8>:   movq   %rdi, -0x8(%rbp)
    0x10000177c <+12>:  jmp    0x10000177e               ; <+14>
    0x10000177e <+14>:  jmp    0x100001780               ; <+16>
    0x100001780 <+16>:  jmp    0x100001782               ; <+18>
    0x100001782 <+18>:  jmp    0x100001784               ; <+20>
    0x100001784 <+20>:  jmp    0x100001786               ; <+22>
    0x100001786 <+22>:  jmp    0x100001788               ; <+24>
    0x100001788 <+24>:  jmp    0x10000178a               ; <+26>
    0x10000178a <+26>:  jmp    0x10000178c               ; <+28>
    0x10000178c <+28>:  jmp    0x10000178e               ; <+30>
    0x10000178e <+30>:  jmp    0x100001790               ; <+32>
    0x100001790 <+32>:  leaq   0x1979(%rip), %rax
    0x100001797 <+39>:  addq   $0x10, %rax
    0x10000179b <+43>:  movl   $0x50, %ecx
    0x1000017a0 <+48>:  movl   %ecx, %esi
    0x1000017a2 <+50>:  movl   $0x7, %ecx
    0x1000017a7 <+55>:  movl   %ecx, %edx
    0x1000017a9 <+57>:  movq   %rax, %rdi
    0x1000017ac <+60>:  callq  0x100001e80               ; rt_swift_allocObject
    0x1000017b1 <+65>:  leaq   0x1298(%rip), %rsi        ; "NSSubclass.NSSubclass"
    0x1000017b8 <+72>:  movl   $0x15, %ecx
    0x1000017bd <+77>:  movl   %ecx, %edx
    0x1000017bf <+79>:  movl   $0x2, %ecx
    0x1000017c4 <+84>:  leaq   0x6c5(%rip), %r8          ; partial apply forwarder for Swift.(_unimplementedInitializer (className : Swift.StaticString, initName : Swift.StaticString, file : Swift.StaticString, line : Swift.UInt, column : Swift.UInt) -> Swift.Never).(closure #1)
    0x1000017cb <+91>:  leaq   0x129e(%rip), %r9         ; "initializer-inheritance-and-nsobject.swift"
    0x1000017d2 <+98>:  leaq   0x128d(%rip), %r10        ; "init()"
    0x1000017d9 <+105>: movq   %r10, 0x10(%rax)
    0x1000017dd <+109>: movq   $0x6, 0x18(%rax)
    0x1000017e5 <+117>: movb   $0x2, 0x20(%rax)
    0x1000017e9 <+121>: movq   %r9, 0x28(%rax)
    0x1000017ed <+125>: movq   $0x2a, 0x30(%rax)
    0x1000017f5 <+133>: movb   $0x2, 0x38(%rax)
    0x1000017f9 <+137>: movq   $0x4, 0x40(%rax)
    0x100001801 <+145>: movq   $0xe, 0x48(%rax)
    0x100001809 <+153>: movq   %rax, %r9
    0x10000180c <+156>: callq  0x100001a20               ; function signature specialization <preserving fragile attribute, Arg[1] = [Closure Propagated : reabstraction thunk helper from @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnsafeBufferPointer<Swift.UInt8>) -> () to @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnsafeBufferPointer<Swift.UInt8>) -> (@out ()), Argument Types : [@callee_owned (@unowned Swift.UnsafeBufferPointer<Swift.UInt8>) -> ()]> of generic specialization <preserving fragile attribute, ()> of Swift.StaticString.withUTF8Buffer <A> ((Swift.UnsafeBufferPointer<Swift.UInt8>) -> A) -> A
->  0x100001811 <+161>: ud2
    0x100001813 <+163>: nopw   %cs:(%rax,%rax)

That specialization / fragile reabstraction thunk closure attribute / generic specialization stuff is interesting. Also interesting that it allocates the object, only to die via the _unimplementedInitializer. I didn't pass any particular optimization level in, so maybe this'd get more simplified at higher optimization levels. But you can see it loading up the arguments for that partial apply forwarder. That jump slide at the top is weird, too. Why not just nops? Padding it out so instructions fall at a certain alignment?

Type Erasure

Yeah. Let's do this.


Type-Erased Wrappers in Swift

"What if we want to treat a protocol as a generic?"

Motivating example:

struct Item {}

struct ItemHolder {
    var items: Collection<Item>

This bails with:

error: repl.swift:2:25: error: cannot specialize non-generic type 'Collection'
struct ItemHolder { var items: Collection<Item> }
                        ^         ~~~~~~

Trying with just bare : Collection gives a similar error:

error: repl.swift:2:25: error: protocol 'Collection' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
struct ItemHolder { var items: Collection }

Because, well, protocol types aren't generic. If you really mean "anything satisfying this protocol", then you're parameterizing your type over implementors of that protocol, so you're writing a generic type!

But why does that only kick in when it comes to Self and associated types? Why not every protocol? I suspect implementation constraints interfere. But let's see.

Those with Self or associated type requirements can put constraints on the types that can be substituted as either Self or an associated type Element, such as that Element must be Hashable or Equatable or similar. An associated type also means that code using the type has to treat those types as generic.

Anyway, back to the article:

  • We want to erase the specific concrete type implementing the protocol with associated types.
  • We replace it with a type that's generic over the associated type, and then we can force that generic type to line up with the associated type.
  • We replace it by substituting a concrete type implementing the protocol and generic in the element type. Now our ItemHolder is no longer itself generic, as it knows it's talking to a very specific type, our AnySequence<Item> type.
  • But we still have the issue of needing to deal with a variety of implementors of that protocol. So we still have genericity around the actual Sequence implementor to deal with. We handle that by employing a subclass that adds a generic parameter on top of the one already in AnySequence<Element>. This generic parameter is a T: Sequence. And it demands that its element type line up with its superclass's Element generic type.
  • To implement Sequence without actually having a sequence in our AnySequence meant we just had to fatal error out for each method. Oops. The subclass can forward to the underlying type that it's generic over, so it actually implements stuff. This is kinda messy.
  • So now we go ahead and rename AnySequence<Element> to an internal _AnySequenceBoxBase<Element>, the subclass to _AnySequenceBox<T: Sequence>: _AnySequenceBoxBase<Sequence.Generator.Element>, and create a new façade AnySequence<Element> that takes a Sequence argument, feeds it into a _AnySequenceBox, exploits polymorphism by stashing it in a _AnySequenceBoxBase, and forwards through to that in its implementation of Sequence.
  • Notice how the actual Sequence genericity is contained inside a private property of AnySequence<Element>, and the S: Sequence doesn't show up in its type anywhere? That's the "erasure" bit.


  • Generic façade
  • Exploding generic type used as our interface to the actual generic sequence; this is the erasure magic!
  • Functional doubly-generic subclass of the exploding generic type

And we basically end up substituting subtype polymorphism for parametric polymorphism.

2016-10-12 (Wed)

  • Read a bit more on type erasure. A natural segue into the stdlib.
  • Reviewed protocol-oriented programming talk.
  • Its "two worlds" slide helped me think through my question about why PATs drove us into generic land but plain protocols do not.
    • The associated types are all concrete types and must be the same concrete type throughout. They are determined by the conforming class, and users of that class thus necessarily become generic in the protocol conformer's associated types. Helped to think through the "collections of associated types fed back into the protocol conformer" scenario.
    • This sounds a lot like Haskell's functional dependencies for typeclasses, but I'm not clear on how protocols and typeclasses related.
  • Poked a bit at Haskell typeclasses vs Swift protocols.
  • Poked at variance of generics and functions.
    • Functions are contravariant in their arguments (and covariant in their return values), but this clashes with generic parameters' covariance.
    • Swift lacks an annotation like Scala's -T variance annotation to let us solve this.
      • Obj-C has it, though!

        A generic parameter in Objective-C can be annotated with __covariant to indicate that subtypes are acceptable, and __contravariant to indicate that supertypes are acceptable. This can be seen in the interface for NSArray, among others (Mike Ash, "Covariance and Contravariance", 20 Nov 2015)

    • Protocol "inheritance" doesn't quite act like class inheritance: You can't substitute InheritsP for P at the type level, but you can at the value level. So let type: P.Protocol = InheritsP.self errors out, but struct S: InheritsP {}; let value: P = S() is fine.
      • More to the point, you can't pass in any type T conforming to P - struct, class, enum, protocol, what have you - as a P. So you can't be like func callsStaticFunc(on p: P.Protocol) and then do callsStaticFunc(StructImplementingP.self), even though you can call that static func on StructImplemingP directly. You'd have to move to a generic function here instead: func callsStaticFunc<T: P>(on: T.Type).
    • In another strike against the term, an inheriting protocol cannot override and broaden parameter type of a parent protocol. Weird, weird stuff.
      • You can fake the classic behavior by adding a default implementation for the inherited requirement that forwards to the broader version, though.
  • Found that extensions to private typealiases act like extending the underlying type. The typealias is invisible, but the functions in the extension on it are as visible as ever. Nifty.
  • Verified that, yes, closures' capture-by-reference behavior means that you can have fun with race conditions around mutable value types like structs. Oh, joy!

Today's questions:

  • Language:
    • One more thing on type erasure:
      • ???: The requirement to use it only for PATs and not for all protocols isn't clear to me semantically, though. (I think it could more readily be made clear to me by implementation operational requirements, but I'm not sure there, either.)
    • XXX: How do Swift protocols compare to Haskell typeclasses?
      • Shelved. - Is Array<Subclass> substitutable for Array<Superclass>?
    • Is Array<Subclass> substitutable for Array<Superclass>? (AKA: Are arrays covariant?) YES.
      • What about [AnyCollection<Subclass>] vs [AnyCollection<Superclass>]? Inference produced just [Any] in the objCDays = [AnyDetailRow(SmallFileCell()), AnyDetailRow(LargeFolderCell())] example in slide 10 of Robert's CoreDataStack Type Erasure talk, but need to repro.
        • That wasn't a subclass:superclass relationship; they were two unrelated model types.
    • Type aliases can have their access controlled separately from the thing they alias. How does extending a type alias impact the access level of things in that extension?
      • It appears that it doesn't! At all. A private typealias PrivateFoo = Foo can be extended, and the functions in that extension default to internal the same as ever. Callers outside the file can't see the typealias but can see the functions declared in the extension on that typealias. Huh.
    • What are the semantics around value capture in a closure?
      • Everything is captured by reference. Even value types.
    • Or change a captured value after creating the closure?
      • The closure sees the update via the reference.
      • TSPL
        • Operator methods are new to me. names.sorted(by: >) works.
        • Section on "Capturing Values" calls out that it captures by reference, even to value types, though might copy-in values as an optimization if they are not mutated in the closure or in the scope following the closure's definition.
        • Functions and closures themselves are reference types.
    • What happens when you have racing around a closure? Exactly what you would expect: BAD THINGS.
      • Well, it's just a normal reference, so it could go wonky. Weak captures might actually offer more protection here, since zeroing requires atomicity.
      • I'm having trouble coming up with a good test case, though. We need a closure to capture some (preferably large, in terms of value storage!) value, then alternate calling it and mutating the value, and see if it goes weird.

Type Erasure, Cont'd

Maybe some insight lies in the other resources I haven't read yet?

  • https://github.com/bignerdranch/type-erasure-playgrounds
  • http://www.russbishop.net/type-erasure
    • http://www.russbishop.net/swift-associated-types et seq.

    • http://www.russbishop.net/swift-associated-types-cont is the goods: Directly addresses "What is an existential?" and talks about mitigations from the "Completing Generics" manifesto to lift the "must be generic" requirement by punting to runtime dynamicism:

      • "generalized existentials": The associated type just turns into Any when you try to work with it. You're on your own, now!
      • "opening existentials": Allows to bridge existential=>generic by letting you switch on the underlying type in the code and then use that known type as a generic parameter, as with Equatable's Self.
  • http://www.russbishop.net/inception
    • Wonder what this trick is:

      The standard library takes extra steps to make sure if you call a method like drop(first:) repeatedly it doesn't double-wrap the sequence.

      Turns out it's just using an internal type that takes care of intercepting the call and not doubly-wrapping, as here

    • This is a great, quick walkthrough, though with some weird references to Inception that obscure the point a bit. But for example:

      Doing it this way lets us move the ❓ into the initializer, instead of being part of the definition of AnyFancy. The initializer needs a second type parameter U so it can construct the box subclass. Once the initializer is done the concrete type information has disappeared down a black hole, hidden behind the box subclass never again to wake. Hurray for type erasure.

CoreDataStack & Type Erasure


  • Erasure by proxying directly to stored closures. Closure captures the concrete type and hides it thereafter.
    • Requires capturing getter and setter separately for properties. Fun.
  • Names the three components of the pattern seen in stdlib (and that I went through yesterday) as Abstract Base, Private Box, and Public Wrapper.
    • Needs to fatalError out both getter and setter for properties. I was thinking of functions, not properties, the other day, so this is a little wrinkle.
  • Some good links at the end - some are the ones I have already, others are new.

Protocol-Oriented Programming

Protocol-Oriented Programming review: WWDC 2015 #408

Calls out that protocols allow retroactive modeling (you can opt a type into a protocol unilaterally, later, via an extension) and avoid forcing instance data onto implementors, and the corresponding initialization complexities of ivars, too.

An interaction between instances no longer implies an interaction between all model types. We trade dynamic polymorphism for static polymorphism, but, in return for that extra type information we're giving the compiler, it's more optimizable. So, two worlds.

Contrasts protocols with self-type constraints to those without. I think this might be the lead into answering my "why the generic requirement for PATs but not regular protocols?" question. See PDF page 102, "Two Worlds of Protocols":

  • Heterogeneous vs homogeneous
  • Occurrence of a regular protocol type in that protocol itself subjects conforming types to the same ??? about the concrete type as anyone else (they call this "interaction" of types in the slide)
  • Dynamic vs static dispatch
    • If T knows that this arg to a protocol method is also a T, then we can statically dispatch calls to functions on that type.
    • Wonder how that interacts with default method dispatch…
      • And you can't have both homogeneous and heterogeneous in the same protocol: The "protocol has to be a generic constraint" rule applies even to functions declared in the protocol itself!
      • The default impl in the protocol extension will run if not "overridden", otherwise, the type's own version runs, because we do always know the type statically. "The magic of static dispatch."
      • See: language/default-dispatch-and-self-types.swift

a Self-requirement puts Drawable squarely in the homogeneous, statically dispatched world, right? But Diagram really needs a heterogeneous array of Drawables, right? So we can put polygons and circles in the same Diagram. So Drawable has to stay in the heterogeneous, dynamically dispatched world. And we've got a contradiction. Making Drawable equatable is not going to work.

Treats required methods as "customization points", while non-required extensions cannot be overridden if calling through purely the protocol type (not relevant for PATs, of course: you can't just use a protocol type with those requirements).

Answering My "One More Question": Why PATs Force Genericity

What is going on is that, while protocols are "some type T meeting this requirement", associated types and self types are specific, concrete types - we get equations derived from the (unknown at time of use) protocol conforming type. So code using a PAT is open to whatever T implements the PAT, but then is necessarily generic in terms of the associated types and self types. If we call pat.foo(associatedThing: thing), that has to be pat's own associatedThing, and not some other U: PAT's.

This isn't an implementation requirement, then, but a necessary requirement to make using functions that work in terms of associated types or Self types usable.

There are similarities here to functional dependencies. (See also: the GHC docs on fdeps.) The (eventual) choice of implementing type T: PAT fully determines the types of the associated types and of Self.

Type erasure lets us write code generic around the type we care about parameterizing over while constraining generic variation around a PAT to an implementation detail. "Quarantine the angle-bracket virus!"

Or in the case of the ItemHolder example from earlier, it lets us demand homogeneity of Item type, while allowing heterogeneity of Collection choice. We can have an [ItemHolder<Int>] where the Collection varies between Array and Set and Dictionary.

Docs bug: Protocols are missing "Inherited by" list of child protocols

Docs bug: The Collection docs omit listing MutableCollection in the "Adopted by" section, though the MutableCollection docs do list Collection in its "Inherits" section. Or perhaps there needs to be a separate "Inherited by" section? All of the "Adopted by"s seem to be structures, not protocols.

Same deal with Collection and Sequence. (Though Sequence does manually list Collection among its Related Symbols, it's not even hyperlinked!)

Haskell Typeclasses & Swift PATs



  • Haskell, Scala, Swift. No deep thoughts, just a cross-comparison.
  • The protocol Foo { associatedtype T; func foo(_: T) -> String } to protocol Foo { func foo(_: Self) -> String } transform as a way to work around not being able to automatically wrap a type in an adapter as Scala does with its implicit contexts is an interesting rewrite rule, though!
  • The generic requirement imposed by PATs is a lot less annoying with free functions than with structs or classes. Less need to bother with type erasure, it feels like.


  • Same thing, but on the author's personal blog, and with some slightly different intro and outro.


  • Only mentions Rust and Swift in passing WRT monomorphization and static dispatch cropping up.
  • Mostly about the difference in semantics between functions that work with Haskell typeclasses vs functions that work with Java interfaces, and how you can use the associated types of type families to get the behavior you intend in a specific case.

2016-10-13 (Thurs)

  • Poked at protocol extensions & generics, which led into looking at name mangling as a reification of overload set generation.
  • Looked into the stdlib. The docs around this have improved tremendously since I last looked! What's missing is more meaningful grouping of docs in the overall survey list; the concise summaries of what things do are already written, though.
  • Mostly resolved my "what in blazes is an archetype?" question. Tests and the ABI mangling docs to the rescue!
    • An archetype is an unknown concrete type conforming to a protocol type or acting as a protocol's associated type.
    • Contrasted with an existential, which is the protocol used as a type itself.
    • But what of "dependent generic types"? I think those are also archetypes, but, well. Not sure.

Questions answered today:

  • Language:

    • Constrained extensions on protocols
  • Stdlib:

    • How does lazy work, and what's the impact?
      • Lazy on properties: Closure gets run the first time it's accessed. (Global statics are implicitly lazy.) Has access to self because the access happens after init.
      • The lazy property on sequences, collections, etc: Vends a type whose map and filter and such run lazily rather than eagerly. Basically a batch to streaming conversion.
    • What about slices and contiguous arrays?
      • Slice: Just a view onto an Indexable (forward index + subscript), basically, a chunk of the functionality of Collection. Acts as a Collection itself.
        • Docs warn that this holds a reference indirectly to the whole collection, so a tiny slice can keep a large collection alive. Just uses slices transiently - don't store them.
      • ContiguousArray: Guarantees contiguous layout, vs using an NSArray. Only really matters if you're dealing with a class or @objc protocol. Unlike Array, it doesn't autobridge to Obj-C. (This is both its main advantage and main disadvantage.)
    • Become familiar with its many protocols, particularly those related to collections
      • Produce a one-line "the gist of this protocol" for each.
      • Wow, this is so much easier now that the docs team has had a solid crack at the stdlib!
    • NOTE: Good practical example of when you should intentionally use one of the more abstract protocol types in section "Who needs types like that?" of Rob Napier's "A Little Respect for AnySequence" (published 4th Aug 2015): Use them as return values to avoid leaking implementation details that surface in types. As arguments, you still want the protocol itself. It also demos the forwarding-closure approach.
  • Debugging/implementation/perf:

    • What the heck is an archetype? Shows up all over in the compiler source, mentioned in then typechecker doc, defined NOWHERE!

Constrained extensions on protocols

What all's possible around here?

TSPL3: Extension Declaration

Extension declarations can’t contain deinitializer or protocol declarations, stored properties, property observers, or other extension declarations.

Uses the term "adopted protocols" for the protocols. I guess because the extension is opting into it.

Properties, methods, and initializers of an existing type can’t be overridden in an extension of that type.

Pulls in the "generic-where-clause", which is where the magic happens. See Generic Where Clauses.

I think the big key is that the constraints and protocol requirements all factor into computing an overload set:

You can overload a generic function or initializer by providing different constraints, requirements, or both on the type parameters. When you call an overloaded generic function or initializer, the compiler uses these constraints to resolve which overloaded function or initializer to invoke.

You can see this in the compiled name, so these two extensions:

protocol ExtendMe {
    associatedtype Item
    var items: AnyCollection<Item> { get }

extension ExtendMe
    where Item == Int {
    var sum: Int {
        return items.reduce(0, +)

extension ExtendMe
    where Item: BitwiseOperations {
    var sum: Item {
        return items.reduce(Item.allZeros, |)

Generate a binary with these names:

> nm build/constrained_extensions | grep ExtendMe
00000001000011b0 t __TFe22constrained_extensionsRxS_8ExtendMewx4Items17BitwiseOperationsrS0_g3sumwxS1_
0000000100000de0 t __TFe22constrained_extensionsRxS_8ExtendMewx4ItemzSirS0_g3sumSi
00000001000042a8 s __TMp22constrained_extensions8ExtendMe
0000000100001090 t __TPA__TTRGRx22constrained_extensions8ExtendMewx4ItemzSirXFo_dSidSi_dSizoPs5Error__XFo_iSiiSi_iSizoPS2___
0000000100000f80 t __TTRGRx22constrained_extensions8ExtendMewx4ItemzSirXFo_dSidSi_dSizoPs5Error__XFo_iSiiSi_iSizoPS2___

And demangled (and reformatted manually for readability' sake):

> nm build/constrained_extensions | grep ExtendMe | xcrun swift-demangle
00000001000011b0 t
    _(extension in constrained_extensions):
        <A where
            A: constrained_extensions.ExtendMe,
            A.Item: Swift.BitwiseOperations
        >.sum.getter : A.Item

0000000100000de0 t
    _(extension in constrained_extensions):
        <A where
            A: constrained_extensions.ExtendMe,
            A.Item == Swift.Int
        >.sum.getter : Swift.Int

00000001000042a8 s
    _protocol descriptor for

0000000100001090 t
    _partial apply forwarder for
        reabstraction thunk helper
            <A where
                A: constrained_extensions.ExtendMe,
                A.Item == Swift.Int
            > from
                @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.Int, @unowned Swift.Int)
                    -> (@unowned Swift.Int, @error @owned Swift.Error)
                @callee_owned (@in Swift.Int, @in Swift.Int)
                    -> (@out Swift.Int, @error @owned Swift.Error)

0000000100000f80 t
    _reabstraction thunk helper
        <A where
            A: constrained_extensions.ExtendMe,
            A.Item == Swift.Int
        > from
            @callee_owned (@unowned Swift.Int, @unowned Swift.Int)
                -> (@unowned Swift.Int, @error @owned Swift.Error)
            @callee_owned (@in Swift.Int, @in Swift.Int)
                -> (@out Swift.Int, @error @owned Swift.Error)

Reabstraction thunks look to be used to handle differences in argument or return passing conventions, or to paper over Swift/Obj-C differences. See specialize_partial_apply.swift in the Swift implementation for one example.

Also note how throws is handled by creating a function that returns a 2-tuple of (Value, Error).

Stdlib Protocols in a Nutshell

Huh, the stdlib reference already does this with a one-sentence highlight for each type. They're not grouped or organized beyond type (class, protocol, struct), though, so doing that would improve things. Can we import into MindNode then drag-drop?

The stdlib links a "Swift Standard Library.playground" that walks through text and sequences/collections. Nice!


  • Indexable.index(_:offsetBy:) and the …limitedBy: variant, with Strings
  • endIndex is always one past the last element, similar to what you'd expect with array.count.
  • RangeReplaceableCollection and replaceSubrange(_:with:)
  • "To implement the model layer, we'll create a custom collection type that represents a continuous range of dates and associated images."
  • Collection -> BidirectionalCollection -> RandomAccessCollection
    • Strideable
  • Declaring a collection with tuple element labels, but stashing tuples from literals that don't use the labels - useful exploitation of how labels are just sugar to avoid a lot of redundant noise

Language features show up as protocols:

  • Sequence: Allows use in for x in seq
  • ExpressibleByStringLiteral: Allows to do x = "foo"
  • ExpressibleByStringInterpolation: Use this to handle turning interpolation chunks into a type and then gluing that same type together
  • BitwiseOperations: Works with &^|~
  • Error: Can be thrown

Ominous: "Types provided by the standard library meet all performance expectations of the protocols they adopt, except where explicitly noted." Uh, a list of these exceptions would be good!

Can just use debugPrint rather than print + String(reflecting:).

Docs Bug: "Typealiases" section instead of "Associated Types"

Looks like it wasn't updated for the introduction of the associatedtype declarator. Though even before then, they were still called associated types, so, beats me.

What is an archetype? A placeholder for the type satisfying a protocol.

Plenty of useful examples in the test file test/Constraints/members.swift.

Distinguishing "archetype" from "existential" looks useful, though. Ah, they use existential to refer to something of the protocol type itself, so treated as P, rather than as T: P. T is an archetype; P is an existential.

Let's confirm by running some of these examples through the compiler and then looking at the mangling to see if the mangled forms matching archetypes in docs/ABI.rst appear.

Well, this isn't promising - grepping after demangling shows me no archetypes:

> ./run archetype.swift
running: swiftc archetype.swift -module-name SuchModule -o build/archetype
archetype.swift:53:7: warning: variable 't' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant
  var t = t
  ~~~ ^
> nm build/archetype | xcrun swift-demangle | grep archetype | wc -l

OTOH, swift-demangle has a nifty -expand option that explains each layer of the demangling, though not with a xref to the part of the input string that told it that, unfortunately.

So let's have a closer look - maybe they've since changed the demangled text. But we can start by searching for hallmarks of the expected mangling per the ABI in nm's output.

Searching for the uppercase Q that seems to be the hallmark of an explicit archetype finds only the spoiler of SQ, meaning Swift.ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional.

There are more compact encodings that allow to elide the Q bits, though. associated-type can be a substitution, which is a backref S index, where index counts as S_, S0_, S1_ for 0, 1, 2.

Hmm, looking at Demangle.cpp line 155, it seems to just use A as the default value for an archetype name. The index is the "depth". Apparently "dependent generic parameter" is another kind of archetype? And I can see that, though the code references archetypes, no string begins "arch or "Arch.

And demangleArchetypeType() handles all of protocol Self-type (QP), associated types (QQ+index), backrefs to Self or an associated type, substitutions for the Swift stdlib (Qs), archetypes with depth (Qd+index+index), archetype qualified with context (Qq index context, apparently only emitted in DWARF debug info?), and simple Q+index archetype refs.

So, though the compiler cares intimately about "archetypes", the user only ever sees associated types, Self, and dependent generics.

Let's verify that we know what a dependent generic is.

Oh, derp! The archetype code is just checking compilation of stuff, so assigns to _ rather than an actual name, so there's nothing useful in the compiled output. Lemme just go and swizzle each let _ for an actual name… Howzabout nameN?

> awk 'BEGIN { counter = 0 } /let _/ { sub(/let _/, "let name"  counter); counter += 1 } { print($0) }' archetype.swift  > foo
> mv foo archetype.swift

Oh, and still not helpful, since inside a generic function. Maybe if we move them inside a generic struct? Nope. We'll have to make our own examples after all.

2016-10-14 (Fri)

MarkD on Swift and Obj/C Bridging

This is all BNR-internal stuff, so if you're following along at home: Sorry! But did you know that you can take the class that includes this awesome content, and pick someone's brain about it, too? How cool is that!

Content looks to be split across three chapters:

  • New, Swift-friendly Obj-C features

    • Nullability, including property annotations null_unspecified (the default - IUO) and null_resettable and C _Nonnull and _Nullable
    • Lightweight generics
      • __kindof for implicit downcasting
      • Generic annotates only the @interface, and impl uses id.
    • No discussion of SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE or renaming for Swift, etc. Those are more super-cosmetic things that only framework devs have to worry about, so, makes sense to omit.
  • C/Swift interop

    • Quick-Open works to pull up the bridging headers, including the autogenerated Swift-to-ObjC one.
    • OptionSet types can be constructed as Foo() to get the equivalent of Foo.allZeros. I think the latter is more explicit, though.
    • Good walkthrough of the Unsafe types and how to use them. Comparing an UnsafePointer against nil remains important!
    • GOTCHA: C-bridged enums can have bogus values; Swift-native enums convert bogus values into the first case in the enum.
  • Obj-C/Swift interop

    • I didn't get around to reading this. Mea culpa. Tempus fugit. Et cetera.

Unanswered Questions

I pulled these out as "next steps" if time allows:

  • Look at what access control changes do to emitted names in a binary.

  • Read the optimization notes from the Swift docs.

  • Scope out the Swift Package Manager, minimally. Try to run through a quick "getting started" example.

    • Does Swift on Linux have Obj-C interop support, too? GCC can compile Obj-C, after all.
  • Look into what a "dependent generic type" is.

  • Watch the SIL talk from a year or two ago.

  • Debugging/Implementation/Perf:

    • What effect do access controls have on the compiled binary?
      • Compiler aside, protocols are kind of weird around access control, with a lot of against-the-grain behaviors, like members having the same public access level as a public protocol.
    • What can you do to speed things up? What are surprising losses of speed at runtime? How would you recognize it in a profile to know it matters?
    • What's a "dependent generic type", and how does it relate to archetypes?
    • What does disassembled Swift look like?
      • Common prolog
      • Common postlog
      • Common retain count operations
      • Interacting with generics, protocols, closures
      • Register usage and argument and return value passing conventions
        • I know these aren't locked down yet, because no stable ABI.
    • How would I call a Swift function if expr's Swift support went haywire?
    • How would I set a symbolic breakpoint for retain on a Swift class? And does that even make sense?
    • What sort of output does the compiler spit out? What does my code generate at the compiled level?
    • How are protocols implemented?
    • How does cross-module interaction work?
    • What's up with SIL, and can I do useful things with it programmatically?
      • This could become a rabbit hole very quickly.
    • What's with the "jump slide" in some function prologs?
  • Unsafe Swift:

    • Can we write out a desugaring for all the bridging business to better understand its elements?
    • How do we do the stuff we do in Obj/C with Swift?
      • Read MarkD's AdviOS content on this. He may already have sorted all this out!
    • What are the memory, concurrency, retain, etc. implications of various manipulations?
    • Where do we wander into undefined Swift behavior?
    • Why does everything go insane and into the weeds when I try to pass a dictionary literal as-is into SecAddItem, but if I declare the dictionary as : NSDictionary, suddenly everything is hunky-dory?
  • Community:

    • What's up with the package manager?
      • An intro to this might be useful if there's not already a good one out there.
    • How does open source Swift work, how is it organized, and who's involved?