

The easiest way to install all dependencies is to use vscode in devcontainer mode


bun install
pushd client
bun install
pushd admin
bun install


bun run dev

This will launch the back, the admin and the game concurrently


NOTE: for the "Directions column":

  • S means Server
  • A means Admin socket
  • G means Game socket
  • T means all Game sockets in a specific Team
Event Direction Description Payload Response
createTeam G -> S Creates a new team name: string teamId: string
join G -> S Joins a team teamId: string success:boolean
guess G -> S Guesses a song guess: string result: GuessResult
load A -> S Loads a game from a file steps: GameStep[]
nextTurn A -> S Start the next turn
register G -> S Registers a new player by its name. Once done, the server sends an unicast state name: string userId: string
reset A -> S Resets the game and the game sockets
reset S -> G This game is over, reset your state and disconnect
setScore A -> S Sets the score for a team teamId: string, score:number
setTitleCorrect A -> S Sets the title as (in)correct guess: string, isCorrect:boolean
setArtistCorrect A -> S Sets the artist as (in)correct guess: string, isCorrect:boolean
setRefused A -> S Sets the guess as refused (both title and artist will be set incorrect) guess: string, isRefused:boolean
state S -> A Notifies that the game state has changed. Gives the new state GlobalGameState
state S -> T Notifies that the visible state for this team has changed. Gives the new state TeamState
stopTurn A -> S Stops the turn
teams S -> G Sends the list of teams and their players Team[]