Dagster ECS Terraform

THIS PROJECT HAS NOT EVEN BEEN SMOKE TESTED! I adapted it from an interaction I had on the dagster slack channel. Contributions to push it over the ledge into being actually useful (assuming there are bugs) are very welcome!


This project demonstrates running Dagster on ECS by leveraging Terraform

It can also be run locally:

pip install -r requirements-dagster.txt


cd terraform
terraform init
terraform apply

This should handle the docker build, etc. It takes a while! (Mostly to spin up a database.)

ECS notes

I find the ECS interface pretty bare-bones, so there's a lot that needs to be added by hand. One thing that is particularly unintuitive is IAM for the dagster workers. For reference:

  • ECS requests a instance from the...
  • auto-scaling group, which determines the instance to launch by using the...
  • launch template, which contains an IAM section within its...
  • instance profile, which has one or more...
  • IAM roles


[] Any non-trivial pipeline needs an IO manager backed by a bucket. I wrote the IAM permissions allow access to all buckets for this reason, but it should really only have access to one bucket (which I don't even have in the terraform...)