
JHipster Lite ⚡ is a development platform to generate, develop & deploy modern web applications & microservices architecture, step by step.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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JHipster Lite ⚡

JHipster Lite version Build Status Coverage Status

sonarcloud-quality-gate sonarcloud-maintainability

sonarcloud-bugs sonarcloud-vulnerabilities sonarcloud-security sonarcloud-code-smells sonarcloud-coverage


JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop & deploy modern web applications & microservice architectures.

JHipster Lite will help you to start your project, by generating step by step only what you need.

  • The generated code uses Hexagonal Architecture
  • The technical code is separated from your business code
  • You will only generate the code you want, no additional unused code
  • The best quality as possible: 💯% coverage, 0 code smell, no duplication 😎

Deploy to Heroku

Click on this button to deploy your own instance of JHipster Lite:

Deploy to Heroku



You need to have Java 17 :

Node.js and NPM

  • Node.js: we use Node to run a development web server and build the project. Depending on your system, you can install Node either from source or as a pre-packaged bundle.

After installing Node, you should be able to run the following command to install development tools.

npm ci

You will only need to run this command when dependencies change in package.json.

npm install

Test the project

To launch tests:

./mvnw clean test

To launch tests and integration tests:

./mvnw clean verify


We use prettier and prettier-java to format our code.

To check format:

npm run prettier:check

To launch format all code:

npm run prettier:format

Sonar Analysis

To launch local Sonar Analysis:

docker-compose -f src/main/docker/sonar.yml up -d


./mvnw clean verify sonar:sonar

So you can check the result at http://localhost:9001

Run the project

You can run the project using Maven, as spring-boot:run is the default target:


Or, first, you can package as jar:

./mvnw package

Then, run:

java -jar target/*.jar

So you can navigate to http://localhost:7471 in your browser.

Docker/Podman Quickstart

To start a local instance of JHipster Lite, go to your desired application folder and run:

docker run --rm --pull=always -p 7471:7471 -v $(pwd):/tmp/jhlite:Z -it jhipster/jhipster-lite:latest

Or with podman:

podman run --rm --pull=always -p 7471:7471 -v $(pwd):/tmp/jhlite:Z -u root -it jhipster/jhipster-lite:latest

Then, go to http://localhost:7471

e2e tests

You need to run the project first. Then, you can run the end-to-end tests:

npm run e2e

Or in headless mode:

npm run e2e:headless

Generate your project

Go to http://localhost:7471, select your option and generate the code you want, step by step, and only what you need.

If needed more advanced features, go to http://localhost:7471/swagger-ui.html and use your own JSON to generate the code you want. Here an example:

  "folder": "/tmp/beer",
  "generator-jhipster": {
    "baseName": "beer",
    "projectName": "Beer Project",
    "packageName": "tech.jhipster.beer",
    "serverPort": 8080