
Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


By Jeremy Banka

Technologies Used

  • 🎵 C# / .NET 5 Framework
  • 🔥 Blazor WebAssembly Frontend
  • 🛂 JWT Session Authentication
  • 🎛️ ASP.NET Core Server
  • 👇 Entity Framework Core
  • 🍋 Pomelo MySQL interface
  • 🧮 MySQL Database
  • 🏴‍☠️ Swagger API Documentation Framework
  • 💅 SCSS to CSS via Ritwick's Live Sass Compiler
  • 🛠️ Tooling: Omnisharp
  • 🅰️ Font: Palatino by Hermann Zapf (PBUH)


This is a project to create a simple web api and client.

  • The api allows basic CRUD functionality for various pet-themed database records, as well as basic user auth.
  • ASP.Net Identity was not used in this production. Cryptography was implemented manually.
  • You will not get owned. User passwords are salted 🎲 and hashed ♻️♻️♻️ for privacy.
  • Which currently means, don't forget your password. It doesn't keep it; there's no recovery mechanism 😁.
  • Single-page client is written in C# Blazor (NO JS 🤯). The C# compiles directly to WebAssembly.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Getting Started

  • Get the source code: $ git clone https://github.com/jeremybanka/AnimalShelter.Solution

  • Set up necessary database schema

    • Install Entity Framework CLI: $ dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
    • Build your database: in WebApi/, run dotnet ef database update
  • Add appsettings.json in WebApi/ and paste in the following text:

      "AppSettings": {
        "Secret": "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
      "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
          "Default": "Information",
          "Microsoft": "Warning",
          "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
      "ConnectionStrings": {
        "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=animal_shelter;uid=root;pwd=************;"

    except, instead of ************ put your personal password for MySQL.

    and instead of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! put a (very) long string. This will be used to create JWT tokens.

  • Compile and run the API server as you save changes: $ dotnet watch run in WebApi/ (This command will also install necessary dependencies.) It ought to prompt Swagger to open in your browser. But if it doesn't, just go to http://localhost:6144/swagger.

  • Once the server's running, do a $ dotnet watch run in Blazor/. Again, this will install the dependencies needed.

  • The API server runs on :6144; the client, on :5000. The client's already pointing at the correct port.


The api routes in this application are not currently restricted to authorized users. This means you don't actually need an account to use the api, just to see certain pages in the client. If you want an account, there are two ways.

UI Way The UI is total crap, but it does work, for auth at least 😅.

  • Go to http://localhost:5000/register
  • Enter in your details, ensuring the passwords match. There are no restrictions set on password length or security!
  • Submit the form, then log in using the creds you created.
  • This will permit you to access the other client routes, which don't do much of anything execpt withhold themselves from unauthenticated users.

Cool Behind-the-Scenes Way

  • Go to http://localhost:6144/swagger
  • Click into "POST /Users/register" and "Try it out"
  • Execute with details you will remember, ensuring the passwords match.
  • Click into "POST /Users/login" and "Try it out"
  • Execute with the details from before. The response will contain your details (except password, which the server doesn't know), as well as a 'token', which is like a temporary password.

Using API Endpoints

  • Go to http://localhost:6144/swagger
  • To see all the cats and dogs at the shelter, click into "GET /api", "Try it out", then "Execute"
  • No animals will be harmed. Instead, you'll see all the animals that are here!
  • Which is none, unless you made some already.
  • To make a cat, for example, click into "POST /api/cats/", "Try it out", and "Execute", adding a value for "name" you think would befit a cat.
  • Making a dog works exactly the same.
  • To delete, view, or make changes to a particular pet, request all, as above, copy the "id" of the pet in question, and supply it to the http method of your choice in the "id" field.

Known Bugs

  • none identified


Gnu Public License ^3.0

Contact Information

hello at jeremybanka dot com