
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Galactic Age Calculator

by Jeremy Banka

Technologies Used

  • 📄 HTML5
  • 💅 SASS ➡️ CSS3
  • ▶️ ES6 🛠 Airbnb ESLint (thanks to VS Code ext. ESLint by Dirk Baeumer)
  • 💲 jquery 3.6.0
  • ❓ jest 26.6.3
  • 📦 Webpack 5 for bundling my js modules.
  • 👨🏻‍🎨 Adobe Illustrator (comps/planning)
  • 🅰️ Fonts and Icons by me using Georg Seifert's superb 💚Glyphs.app💚


Learn how long you would live if you were born on Mars. Spoiler alert: not quite as long!

Science fact: That's because Mars years are longer than Earth years.

Note that one of this application's most killer features is its uncanny ability to estimate its user's species, precise age, and planet of origin. If it gets any info wrong, you can reload to give another try or make do with its close approximation of the finer details.

Make sure you keep your eye on the console!

Science Opinion: 'Dog years' are a ludicrous notion and not real, because 'dog' is an animal species, not a known body orbiting Sol. Dogs live 10 Terran years, on average, all known examples having occurred on planet Earth.

Setup/Installation Requirements

First Things First

  • Clone this repo: $ git clone https://github.com/jeremybanka/galactic-age-calc
  • Get things installed: $ npm i
  • Get things built: $ npm run start
  • This should prompt your browser to open the project on 8080. It's actually pointed at the dist folder, and will update live.

ESLint/Prettier Tooling

  • Use VS Code.
  • Install VS Code extension "ESLint" by Dirk Baeumer.
  • Install VS Code extension "Prettier"
  • Ensure that your VS Code settings.json has the following properties set:
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
      "source.fixAll.eslint": true
  • Now, my meticulously selected formatting preferences will be applied to files in this repo any time you hit save!

Known Bugs

  • not yet galactic in scale, currently limited to the first five planets of our solar system.


This software is licensed under GPL 3.0.

Contact Information

hello at jeremybanka dot com