- aq_info.sql: display information advanced queueing
- awr_bas.sql: generate AWR report between two baselines id
- awr_stats_sqlid.sql: display historical awr stats for an sqlid
- check_scn_health.sql: display information about the scn health
- create_awr_baseline_snap.sql: create a static AWR baseline with snap id
- create_awr_baseline.sql: create a static AWR baseline
- disk_ops.sql: display disk file operations
- ep_his.sql: display explain plan history and current plan
- high_water_mark.sql: display information about high water mark
- i_struct_stats.sql: brief summary on the structure and statistics of an index
- lock_his.sql: display history information of locks via ASH
- mount_files_space.sql: display filesystem space usage according to mount points
- objects_keep_pool.sql: display objects in keep pool in the buffer cache
- oem_alerts.sql: display a daily check of OEM alerts
- oem_jobs.sql: display a daily check of OEM job failures
- oem_stop_job.sql: Stop oem job even if status is running
- pga_sid.sql: display memory info for a sid
- pga_uga.sql: display pga and uga information
- ses_pinning_aq.sql: identify user sessions pinning Advanced Queue objects
- show_sched_job.sql: display information about scheduler jobs
- temp_his.sql: display history temp usage via ASH
- who_temp.sql: display current temp usage per user