
Light wrapper around mongodb's bulkWrite api, for more intuitive bulk operations and extended functionality.

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Lightweight wrapper around mongodb's bulkWrite method.


MongoDB does not support self-reference during write/update operations. Updating large datasets with references requires at least three steps:

  1. Fetch matching documents
  2. Map documents to update
  3. Pass updates to bulkWrite API

Furthermore, when dealing with very large datasets, concurrency/memory must be monitored and throttled to avoid running out of memory.

With mongo-bulk, this can be reduced to a single operation.


mongo-bulk supplies the following imports

import bulkWrite, { bulkDelete, bulkInsert, bulkReplace, bulkUpdate } from 'mongo-bulk'

Each of these methods require the following props:

  • collection: a collection name string, or a valid mongodb Collection instance (required)
  • db: a mongo url, or a valid mongodb Db instance (required if collection is a string)
  • document: an object to be passed in to the bulk operation, or a function that returns an object (required)
    • for 'insert' operations the function will receive the current index as its argument
    • for 'update' and 'replace' operations the function will recieve the old document as its argument
  • filter: a query object specifying which documents to run the bulk operations against (default is all documents)
  • type: the type of bulk operation to run (only required if using bulkWrite)

The following props are optional:

  • concurrency: desired number of concurrent operations (default is 1000)
  • count: the number of documents to insert (required for bulkInsert, default is 1)
  • operations: a pre-built array of operations (Note: with this, the document option is not required)
  • options: an options object to be passed to mongodb's bulkWrite

Each method returns a promise, which resolves to a BulkWrite result.



import { bulkInsert } from 'mongo-bulk';

return bulkInsert({
  collection: '...collectionName...',
  db: '...mongoUrl...',
  count: 1000000,
  document: currentIndex => ({
    property: currentIndex


import { bulkUpdate } from 'mongo-bulk';

return bulkUpdate({
  collection: '...collectionName...',
  db: '...mongoUrl...',
  filter: {},
  document: oldDoc => ({
    $set: {
      newProperty: oldDoc.property * 2,


$ npm install mongo-bulk


$ npm test


Copyright (c) 2017

Licensed under the MIT license.