Cisco Catalyst 9300 running IOS XE 17.1.1 with Docker AppHosting, using Remote Desktop to run Wireshark
Demo Video Recording @
Cisco Catalyst 9300
SSD-120G USB Storage
IOS XE 17.1.1 Software
DNA Advantage License
Review the configuration guide:
The show inventory command can be used to confirm the hardware and SSD:
The show version can be used to confirm the version:
C9300#show version
Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 17.01.01
Cisco IOS Software [Amsterdam], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT9K_IOSXE), Version 17.1.1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2019 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Fri 22-Nov-19 03:41 by mcpre
Get the Docker container from
$ docker run -d --shm-size 1g --name rdp -p 3389:3389 danielguerra/alpine-xfce4-xrdp
Once downloaded and running, verify RDP connection on port 3389, then package into .tar
$ docker images - This lists all image ID’s available
$ docker ps - This lists all container ID’s that are running
$ docker save –o c9kwireshark.tar <imageID> c9kwireshark
Copy the c9kwireshark.tar to the Catalyst 9300 USB flash over the network using copy command
C9300# copy usbflash1:
interface AppGigabitEthernet1/0/1
description Uplink to AppH
switchport mode trunk
app-hosting appid c9kwireshark
app-vnic AppGigabitEthernet trunk
guest-interface 1
vlan 101 guest-interface 0
guest-ipaddress netmask
app-default-gateway guest-interface 0
app-resource docker
app-resource profile custom
cpu 7400
memory 2048
persist-disk 1024
vcpu 2
Ensure IOX is started, and that all AppHosting config is set prior
app-hosting install appid c9kwireshark package usbflash1:/c9kwireshark.tar
app-hosting activate appid c9kwireshark
app-hosting start appid c9kwireshark
Stop the container, make any changes to the network interaces as needed before re-starting with above commands
app-hosting stop appid c9kwireshark
app-hosting deactivate appid c9kwireshark
app-hosting uninstall appid c9kwireshark
Opening a Remote Desktop session to, the Docker container on the Catalyst 9300 shows the XFCE desktop with Wireshark
The eth0, or “guest interface 0” has the IP address, while eth1, or “guest interface 1” is configured in mirroring mode as a trunk