- 14
- 3
No .beam files to analyze (no --src specified?)
#548 opened by dan-cooke - 7
OTP 26: Incremental mode for Dialyzer: --incremental
#498 opened by Nezteb - 3
- 1
Unknown error occurred: %FunctionClauseError{args: nil, arity: 1, clauses: nil, function: :format_long, kind: nil, module: Dialyxir.Warnings.OpaqueTypeTest}
#461 opened by nathanl - 4
Unable to run on a phoenix project
#542 opened by lnenad - 2
error while running dialyxir
#523 opened by epinault - 2
Unknown error occurred: %FunctionClauseError{module: Dialyxir.Warnings.InvalidContract, function: :format_long, arity: 1, kind: nil, args: nil, clauses: nil}
#525 opened by juise - 3
- 3
Unknown error occurred
#533 opened by RaymondLoranger - 0
- 3
Unknown error occurred: %FunctionClauseError{module: Dialyxir.Warnings.InvalidContract, function: :format_long, arity: 1, kind: nil, args: nil, clauses: nil}
#539 opened by MrAustin2u - 0
Ability to output multiple formats
#530 opened by saveman71 - 12
Compiler warnings with Elixir 1.16
#534 opened by kaifeldhoff - 2
- 0
Bug: ignore_format_strict output + actual usage in ignore file + list_unused_filters: true
#532 opened by Nezteb - 1
Not reporting an issue on type spec
#529 opened by sygour - 1
Unknown error occurred: %Protocol.UndefinedError{description: "", protocol: String.Chars, value: {33, 9}}
#458 opened by alexdesousa - 0
Legacy warning
#466 opened by saleynik - 3
Failed to parse
#467 opened by smt116 - 4
- 13
- 3
`mix dialyzer` reports dependency missing
#511 opened by alappe - 7
- 4
Tests fail on elixir 1.15-rc.0
#503 opened by lukaszsamson - 4
Use Dialyzer
#513 opened by joeljuca - 1
compile error with --format ignore_file
#510 opened by dvic - 3
Error while creating PLT. File not found
#506 opened by rlopzc - 4
- 3
Ignore only works with absolute path
#500 opened by maennchen - 0
Failed to parse warning: [<: 1, >: 1]
#504 opened by srevenant - 11
Is GitHub Actions example correct?
#497 opened by luigi-discoup - 2
Allow analyzing individual files and directories
#494 opened by Nezteb - 1
- 3
Support via GitHub Sponsors?
#488 opened by Nezteb - 2
Question: Running `mix dialyzer` and saving output error tuples to list for comparing old/new errors?
#486 opened by Nezteb - 1
v1.2.0 is not shown on releases page
#484 opened by notslang - 3
How to pass options --statistics, --verbose, and --get_warnings to Dialyzer
#482 opened by paulo-ferraz-oliveira - 0
- 0
Failed to format warning
#480 opened by nikitosing - 6
- 1
- 0
Failed to parse warning when use Puid
#475 opened by dinhhuydh - 1
Failed to parse warning
#460 opened by jeroenbourgois - 1
- 0
Crashes if `mix.lock` does not exist
#472 opened by ollien - 4
- 2
Unknown warning: :callback_not_exported
#468 opened by darrenklein - 2
Failed to parse warning
#462 opened by frahugo - 3
Is the `@dialyzer` module attribute suggestion for `Phoenix.Presence` in the Wiki still accurate?
#459 opened by bmitc