
a multi-purpose tool to ease development and testing of Kong by using Docker containers

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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                      Gojira (Godzilla)


Gojira is a multi-purpose tool to ease development and testing of Kong by using Docker containers. Very similar to a Vagrant environment, but completely unlike it.

It comes from far away to put an end to vagrant up, vagrant destroy and vagrant wait ten hours.

Spin up as many Kong instances as you want. On different commits at the same time. With different OpenSSL, OpenResty and LuaRocks versions. Run a shell inside of the containers, make Kong roar. Make Kong fail, cd into the repo, fix it. Make Kong start again. Commit it. Push it, ship it!


Usage: gojira action [options...]

  -t,  --tag            git tag to mount kong on (default: master)
  -p,  --prefix         prefix to use for namespacing
  -k,  --kong           PATH for a kong folder, will ignore tag
  -n,  --network        use network with provided name
  -r,  --repo           repo to clone kong from
  -pp, --port           expose a port for a kong container
  -v,  --volume         add a volume to kong container
  --image               image to use for kong
  --cassandra           use cassandra
  --alone               do not spin up any db
  --redis-cluster       run redis in cluster mode
  --host                specify hostname for kong container
  --git-https           use https to clone repos
  -V,  --verbose        echo every command that gets executed
  -h,  --help           display this help

  up            start a kong. if no -k path is specified, it will download
                kong on $GOJIRA_KONGS folder and checkouts the -t tag.
                also fires up a postgres database .with it. for free.

  down          bring down the docker-compose thingie running in -t tag.
                remove it, nuke it from space. something went wrong, and you
                want a clear start or a less buggy tool to use.

  build         build a docker image with the specified VERSIONS

  run           run a command on a running kong container.
                Use with --cluster to run the command across all kong nodes.
                Use with --index 4 to run the command on node #4.

  run@[serv]    run a command on a specified service.
                example: 'gojira run@db psql -U kong'

  shell         get a shell on a running kong container.

  shell@[serv]  get a shell on a specified service.

  cd            cd into a kong prefix repo

  image         show current gojira image

  images        list gojira images

  ps            list running prefixes

  ls            list stored prefixes in $GOJIRA_KONGS

  lay           make gojira lay an egg

  snapshot      make a snapshot of a running gojira

  compose       alias for docker-compose, try: gojira compose help

  roar          make gojira go all gawo wowo

  logs          follow container logs

  nuke [-f]     remove all running gojiras. -f for removing all files


gojira depends on docker (18.09.02) and docker-compose (1.23.2). As usual, the most recent, the better.

Note you need ~/.local/bin on your $PATH.

git clone git@github.com:Kong/kong-gojira.git
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
ln -s $(realpath kong-gojira/gojira.sh) ~/.local/bin/gojira

Additional for OS X

brew install coreutils


For the time being, we have a guide. Also, a vagrant to gojira guide.

Environment variables

Certain behaviours of gojira can be tamed by using the following environment variables.


default: kong

Default repository to clone from.


default: master

Default tag to clone from GOJIRA_REPO when no -t has been provided


default: ~/.gojira/kongs

Path where prefixes are stored


default: ~/.gojira/home

Path to the shared home between gojiras


Instead of building a development image, force this image to be used. Docs


default: 0 (off)

Use https instead of ssh for cloning GOJIRA_REPO


default: 1 (on)

Detects if the current path is a kong repository, providing an automatic -k flag. Docs


default: 1 (on)

When using a local path (-k or auto), it will always generate the same gojira prefix based on the md5 of the path. Docs


default: 1 (on)

Try to use an automatic snapshot when available. Docs


default: 0 (off)

Runs make dev on up when the environment needs it.

Together with GOJIRA_USE_SNAPSHOT, it will record a snapshot after so the next up can re-use that snapshot. On luarocks change, it will bring up a compatible base, and run 'make dev' again, which should be faster since it will be incremental, but will not record a snapshot to reduce disk usage.

Read more about GOJIRA_MAGIC_DEV on the manual section.


Set this to a full kong path so gojira always references it no matter what This efectively hardcodes all the gojira magic to always, always use this path, without having to reference it by -k. ie

export GOJIRA_KONG_PATH=full/path/to/some/kong


  • gojira artwork by ascii artist ldb.