Author: Corey Marchand and Kyungrae Kim
Version: 1.1.1
This lab is to implement a basic full stack application for a book list which will include:
- Search the Google Books API
- Add books to a database
- Render those books from a PostgreSQL database
- Update the details of a book or remove it from the collection
Lab 13 features include the ability to update or delete a book from the collection. These events can be triggered from the detail view of a single book.
Setup an Express server
- JavaScript
- Express
- Superagent
- dotenv
- pg
- method-override
09-25-2019 01:30am - Feature 3 from Lab 12 not completed 09-25-2019 09:00am - Lab 13 initiated
- Corey Marchand
- Kyungrae Kim
Name of feature: Lab 13
Estimate of time needed to complete: 4 hour
Start time: 09:00am
Finish time: 01:30am
Actual time needed to complete: 4.5 hours