
A kubernetes cluster lifecycle management and configuration tool

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Arlon is a lifecycle management and configuration tool for Kubernetes clusters. It allows an administrator to compose, deploy and configure a large number of workload clusters in a structured, predictable way. Arlon takes advantage of multiple declarative cluster management API providers for the actual cluster orchestration: the first two supported API providers are Cluster API and Crossplane. Arlon uses ArgoCD as the underlying Kubernetes manifest deployment and enforcement engine. A workload cluster is composed from the following constructs:

  • Cluster spec: a description of the infrastructure and external settings of a cluster, e.g. Kubernetes version, cloud provider, cluster type, node instance type.
  • Profile: a grouping of configuration bundles which will be installed into the cluster
  • Configuration bundle: a unit of configuration which contains (or references) one or more Kubernetes manifests. A bundle can encapsulate anything that can be deployed onto a cluster: an RBAC ruleset, an add-on, an application, etc...




Arlon is composed of a controller, a library, and a CLI that exposes the library's functions as commands. In the future, an API server may be built from the library as well. Arlon adds CRDs (custom resource definitions) for several custom resources such as ClusterRegistration and Profile.

Management cluster

The management cluster is a Kubernetes cluster hosting all the components needed by Arlon, including:

  • The ArgoCD server
  • The Arlon "database" (implemented as Kubernetes secrets and configmaps)
  • The Arlon controller
  • Cluster management API providers: Cluster API or Crossplane
  • Custom resources (CRs) that drive the involved providers and controllers
  • Custom resource definitions (CRDs) for all of the involved CRs

The user is responsible for supplying the management cluster, and to have a access to a kubeconfig granting administrator permissions on the cluster.


The Arlon controller observes and responds to changes in clusterregistration custom resources. The Arlon library creates a clusterregistration at the beginning of workload cluster creation, causing the controller to wait for the cluster's kubeconfig to become available, at which point it registers the cluster with ArgoCD to enable manifests described by bundles to be deployed to the cluster.


The Arlon library is a Go module that contains the functions that communicate with the Management Cluster to manipulate the Arlon state (bundles, profiles, clusterspecs) and transforms them into git directory structures to drive ArgoCD's gitops engine. Initially, the library is exposed via a CLI utility. In the future, it may also be embodied into a server an exposed via a network API.

Workspace repository

As mentioned earlier, Arlon creates and maintains directory structures in a git repository to drive ArgoCD sync operations. The user is responsible for supplying this workspace repository (and base paths) hosting those structures. Arlon relies on ArgoCD for repository registration, therefore the user should register the workspace registry in ArgoCD before referencing it from Arlon data types.


Cluster spec

A cluster spec contains desired settings when creating a new cluster. They currently include:

  • API Provider: the cluster orchestration technology. Supported values are CAPI (Cluster API) and xplane (Crossplane)
  • Cloud Provider: the infrastructure cloud provider. The currently supported values is aws, with gcp and azure support coming later.
  • Type: the cluster type. Some API providers support more than one type. On aws cloud, Cluster API supports kubeadm and eks, whereas Crossplane only supports eks.
  • The (worker) node instance type
  • The initial (worker) node count
  • The Kubernetes version

Configuration bundle

A configuration bundle (or just "bundle") is grouping of data files that produce a set of Kubernetes manifests via a tool. This closely follows ArgoCD's definition of tool types. Consequently, the list of supported bundle types mirrors ArgoCD's supported set of manifest-producing tools. Each bundle is defined using a Kubernetes ConfigMap resource in the arlon namespace.

Static bundle

A static bundle embeds the manifest's YAML data itself ("static bundle"). A cluster consuming a static bundle will always have a snapshot copy of the bundle at the time the cluster was created, and is not affected by subsequent changes to the bundle's manifest data.

Dynamic bundle

A dynamic bunlde contains a reference to the manifest data stored in git. A dynamic bundle is distinguished by having these fields set to non-empty values:

  • git URL of the repo
  • Directory path within the repo

The git URL must be registered in ArgoCD as a valid repository. The content of the specified directory can contain manifests in any of the tool formats supported by ArgoCD, including plain YAML, Helm and Kustomize.

When the user updates a dynamic bundle in git, all clusters consuming that bundle (through a profile specified at cluster creation time) will acquire the change.

Other properties

A bundle can also have a comma-separated list of tags, and a description. Tags can be useful for classifying bundles, for e.g. by type ("addon", "cni", "rbac", "app").


A profile expresses a desired configuration for a Kubernetes cluster. It is just a set of references to bundles (static, dynamic, or a combination). A profile can be static or dynamic.

Static profile

When a cluster consumes a static profile at creation time, the set of bundles for the cluster is fixed at that time and does not change over time even when the static bundle is updated. (Note: the contents of some of those bundles referenced by the static profile may however change over time if they are dynamic). A static profile is stored as an item in the Arlon database (specifically, as a configmap in the Management Cluster).

Dynamic profile

A dynamic profile, on the other hand, has two components: the specification stored in the Arlon database, and a compiled component living in the workspace repository at a path specified by the user. (Note: this repository is usually the workspace repo, but it technically doesn't have to be, as long as it's a valid repo registered in ArgoCD) The compiled component is essentially a Helm chart of multiple ArgoCD app resources, each one pointing to a bundle. Arlon automatically creates and maintains the compiled component. When a user updates the composition of a dynamic profile, meaning redefines its bundle set, the Arlon library updates the compiled component to point to the bundles specified in the new set. Any cluster consuming that dynamic profile will be affected by the change, meaning it may lose or acquire new bundles in real time.


An Arlon cluster, also known as workload cluster, is a Kubernetes cluster that Arlon creates and manages via a git directory structure store in the workspace repository.

(Under construction)


We plan to add a CLI command to simplify initial setup. Until then, please follow these manual instructions.

Management cluster

You can use any Kubernetes cluster that you have admin access to. Ensure:

  • kubectl is in your path
  • KUBECONFIG is pointing to the right file and the context set properly


  • Follow steps 1-4 of the ArgoCD installation guide to install ArgoCD onto your management cluster. After this step, you should be logged in as admin and a config file was created at ${HOME}/.config/argocd/config
  • Create your workspace repository in your git provider if necessary, then register it. Example: argocd repo add https://github.com/myname/arlon_workspace --username myname --password secret.
    • Note: type argocd repo add --help to see all available options.
    • For Arlon developers, this is not your fork of the Arlon source code repository, but a separate git repo where some artefacts like profiles created by Arlon will be stored.
  • Highly recommended: configure a webhook to immediately notify ArgoCD of changes to the repo. This will be especially useful during the tutorial. Without a webhook, repo changes may take up to 3 minutes to be detected, delaying cluster configuration updates.
  • Create a local user named arlon with the apiKey capability. This involves editing the argocd-cm ConfigMap using kubectl.
  • Adjust the RBAC settings to grant admin permissions to the arlon user. This involves editing the argocd-rbac-cm ConfigMap to add the entry g, arlon, role:admin under the policy.csv section. Example:
apiVersion: v1
  policy.csv: |
    g, arlon, role:admin
kind: ConfigMap
  • Generate an account token: argocd account generate-token --account arlon
  • Make a temporary copy of the config file: cp ${HOME}/.config/argocd/config /tmp/config then edit it to replace the value of auth-token with the token from the previous step. Save changes. This file will be used to configure the Arlon controller's ArgoCD credentials during the next steps.

NOTE: On some operating systems, including Linux, it's possible the source configuration file is located at ${HOME}/.argocd/config instead. In any case, ensure that the destination file is named /tmp/config, it's important for the secret creation step below.

Arlon controller

  • Create the arlon namespace: kubectl create ns arlon
  • Create the ArgoCD credentials secret from the temporary config file: kubectl -n arlon create secret generic argocd-creds --from-file /tmp/config
  • Delete the temporary config file
  • Clone the arlon git repo and cd to its top directory
  • Create the clusterregistrations CRD: kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/core.arlon.io_clusterregistrations.yaml
  • Deploy the controller: kubectl apply -f deploy/manifests/
  • Ensure the controller eventually enters the Running state: watch kubectl -n arlon get pod

Arlon CLI

  • From the top directory, run make build
  • Optionally create a symlink from a directory (e.g. /usr/local/bin) included in your ${PATH} to the bin/arlon binary to make it easy to invoke the command.

Cluster orchestration API providers

Arlon currently supports Cluster API on AWS cloud. It also has experimental support for Crossplane on AWS.

Cluster API

Using the Cluster API Quickstart Guide as reference, complete these steps:

  • Install clusterctl
  • Initialize the management cluster. In particular, follow instructions for your specific cloud provider (AWS in this example) Ensure clusterctl init completes successfully and produces the expected output.

Crossplane (experimental)

Using the Upbound AWS Reference Platform Quickstart Guide as reference, complete these steps:

You do not need to go any further, but you're welcome to try the Network Fabric example.

FYI: we noticed the dozens/hundreds of CRDs that Crossplane installs in the management cluster can noticeably slow down kubectl, and you may see a warning that looks like:

I0222 17:31:14.112689   27922 request.go:668] Waited for 1.046146023s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:https://AA61XXXXXXXXXXX.gr7.us-west-2.eks.amazonaws.com/apis/servicediscovery.aws.crossplane.io/v1alpha1?timeout=32s


This assumes that you plan to deploy workload clusters on AWS cloud, with Cluster API ("CAPI") as the cluster orchestration API provider. Also ensure you have set up a workspace repository and it is registered as a git repo in ArgoCD. The tutorial will assume the existence of these environment variables:

  • ${ARLON_REPO}: where the arlon repo is locally checked out
  • ${WORKSPACE_REPO}: where the workspace repo is locally checked out
  • ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL}: the workspace repo's git URL. It typically looks like https://github.com/${username}/${reponame}.git

Note: for the best experience, make sure your workspace repo is configured to send change notifications to ArgoCD via a webhook. See the Installation section for details.

Cluster specs

We first create a few cluster specs with different combinations of API providers and cluster types (kubeadm vs EKS). One of the cluster specs is for an unconfigured API provider (Crossplane); this is for illustrative purposes, since we will not use it in this tutorial.

arlon clusterspec create capi-kubeadm-3node --api capi --cloud aws --type kubeadm --kubeversion v1.18.16 --nodecount 3 --nodetype t2.medium --tags devel,test --desc "3 node kubeadm for dev/test"
arlon clusterspec create capi-eks --api capi --cloud aws --type eks --kubeversion v1.18.16 --nodecount 2 --nodetype t2.large --tags staging --desc "2 node eks for general purpose"
arlon clusterspec create xplane-eks-3node --api xplane --cloud aws --type eks --kubeversion v1.18.16 --nodecount 4 --nodetype t2.small --tags experimental --desc "4 node eks managed by crossplane"

Ensure you can now list the cluster specs:

$ arlon clusterspec list
capi-eks            capi     aws        eks      v1.18.16     t2.large   2          staging       2 node eks for general purpose
capi-kubeadm-3node  capi     aws        kubeadm  v1.18.16     t2.medium  3          devel,test    3 node kubeadm for dev/test
xplane-eks-3node    xplane   aws        eks      v1.18.16     t2.small   4          experimental  4 node eks managed by crossplane


First create a static bundle containing raw YAML for the guestbook sample application from this example file:

arlon bundle create guestbook-static --tags applications --desc "guestbook app" --from-file examples/bundles/guestbook.yaml

(Note: the YAML is simply a concatenation of the files found in the ArgoCD Example Apps repo)

To illustrate the difference between static and dynamic bundles, we create a dynamic version of the same application, this time using a reference to a git directory containing the YAML. We could point it directly to the copy in the ArgoCD Example Apps repo, but we'll want to make modifications to it, so we instead create a new directory to host our own copy in our workspace directory:

mkdir -p bundles/guestbook
cp ${ARLON_REPO}/examples/bundles/guestbook.yaml bundles/guestbook
git add bundles/guestbook
git commit -m "add guestbook"
git push origin main
arlon bundle create guestbook-dynamic --tags applications --desc "guestbook app (dynamic)" --repo-url ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL} --repo-path bundles/guestbook

Next, we create a static bundle for another "dummy" application, an Ubuntu pod (OS version: "Xenial") that does nothing but print the date-time in an infinite sleep loop:

arlon bundle create xenial-static --tags applications --desc "xenial pod" --from-file examples/bundles/xenial.yaml

Finally, we create a bundle for the Calico CNI, which provides pod networking. Some types of clusters (e.g. kubeadm) require a CNI provider to be installed onto a newly created cluster, so encapsulating the provider as a bundle will give us a flexible way to install it. We download a known copy from the authoritative source and store it the workspace repo in order to create a dynamic bundle from it:

mkdir -p bundles/calico
curl https://docs.projectcalico.org/v3.21/manifests/calico.yaml -O > bundles/calico/calico.yaml
git add bundles/calico
git commit -m "add calico"
git push origin main
arlon bundle create calico --tags networking,cni --desc "Calico CNI" --repo-url https://github.com/argoproj/argocd-example-apps.git --repo-path bundles/guestbook

List your bundles to verify they were correctly entered:

$ arlon bundle list
NAME               TYPE     TAGS                 REPO-URL                                             REPO-PATH              DESCRIPTION
calico             dynamic  networking,cni       ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL}                                bundles/calico         Calico CNI
guestbook-dynamic  dynamic  applications         ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL}                                bundles/guestbook      guestbook app (dynamic)
guestbook-static   static   applications         (N/A)                                                (N/A)                  guestbook app
xenial-static      static   applications         (N/A)                                                (N/A)                  ubuntu pod in infinite sleep loop


We can now create profiles to group bundles into useful, deployable sets. First, create a static profile containing bundles xenial-static and guestbook-static:

arlon profile create static-1 --bundles guestbook-static,xenial --desc "static profile 1" --tags examples

Secondly, create a dynamic version of the same profile. We'll store the compiled form of the profile in the profiles/dynamic-1 directory of the workspace repo. We don't create it manually; instead, the arlon CLI will create it for us, and it will push the change to git:

arlon profile create dynamic-1 --repo-url ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL} --repo-base-path profiles --bundles guestbook-static,xenial --desc "dynamic test 1" --tags examples

Note: the --repo-base-path profiles option tells arlon to create the profile under a base directory profiles/ (to be created if it doesn't exist). That is in fact the default value of that option, so it is not necessary to specify it in this case.

To verify that the compiled profile was created correctly:

$ git pull
$ tree profiles
├── dynamic-1
│   ├── mgmt
│   │   ├── Chart.yaml
│   │   └── templates
│   │       ├── guestbook-dynamic.yaml
│   │       ├── placeholder_configmap.yaml
│   │       └── xenial.yaml
│   └── workload
│       └── xenial
│           └── xenial.yaml

Since xenial is a static bundle, a copy of its YAML was stored in workload/xenial/xenial.yaml. This is not done for guestbook-dynamic because it is dynamic.

Finally, we create another variant of the same profile, with the only difference being the addition of Calico bundle. It'll be used on clusters that need a CNI provider:

arlon profile create dynamic-2-calico --repo-url ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL} --repo-base-path profiles --bundles calico,guestbook-dynamic,xenial --desc "dynamic test 1" --tags examples

Listing the profiles should show:

$ arlon profile list
NAME              TYPE     BUNDLES                          REPO-URL               REPO-PATH                  TAGS         DESCRIPTION
dynamic-1         dynamic  guestbook-static,xenial          ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL}  profiles/dynamic-1         examples     dynamic test 1
dynamic-2-calico  dynamic  calico,guestbook-static,xenial   ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL}  profiles/dynamic-2-calico  examples     dynamic test 1
static-1          static   guestbook-dynamic,xenial         (N/A)                  (N/A)                      examples     static profile 1


We are now ready to deploy our first cluster. It will be of type EKS. Since EKS clusters come configured with pod networking out of the box, we choose a profile that does not include Calico: dynamic-1. When deploying a cluster, arlon creates in git a Helm chart containing the manifests for creating and bootstrapping the cluster. Arlon then creates an ArgoCD App referencing the chart, thereby relying on ArgoCD to orchestrate the whole process of deploying and configuring the cluster. The arlon deploy command accepts a git URL and path for this git location. Any git repo can be used (so long as it's registered with ArgoCD), but we'll use the workspace cluster for convenience:

arlon cluster deploy --repo-url ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL} --cluster-name eks-1 --profile dynamic-1 --cluster-spec capi-eks

The git directory hosting the cluster Helm chart is created as a subdirectory of a base path in the repo. The base path can be specified with --base-path, but we'll leave it unspecified in order to use the default value of clusters. Consequently, this example produces the directory clusters/eks-1/ in the repo. To verify its presence:

$ git pull
$ tree clusters/eks-1
└── mgmt
    ├── charts
    │   ├── capi-aws-eks
    │   │   ├── Chart.yaml
    │   │   └── templates
    │   │       └── cluster.yaml
    │   ├── capi-aws-kubeadm
    │   │   ├── Chart.yaml
    │   │   └── templates
    │   │       └── cluster.yaml
    │   └── xplane-aws-eks
    │       ├── Chart.yaml
    │       └── templates
    │           ├── cluster.yaml
    │           └── network.yaml
    ├── Chart.yaml
    ├── templates
    │   ├── clusterregistration.yaml
    │   ├── ns.yaml
    │   ├── profile.yaml
    │   └── rbac.yaml
    └── values.yaml

The chart contains several subcharts under mgmt/charts/, one for each supported type of cluster. Only one of them will be enabled, in this case capi-aws-eks (Cluster API on AWS with type EKS).

At this point, the cluster is provisioning and can be seen in arlon and AWS EKS:

$ arlon cluster list
eks-1      capi-eks     dynamic-1

$ aws eks list-clusters
    "clusters": [

Eventually, it will also be seen as a registered cluster in argocd, but this won't be visible for a while, because the cluster is not registered until its control plane (the Kubernetes API) is ready:

$ argocd cluster list
SERVER                                                                    NAME        VERSION  STATUS      MESSAGE
https://9F07DC211252C6F7686F90FA5B8B8447.gr7.us-west-2.eks.amazonaws.com  eks-1       1.18+    Successful  
https://kubernetes.default.svc                                            in-cluster  1.20+    Successful  

To monitor the progress of the cluster deployment, check the status of the ArgoCD app of the same name:

$ argocd app list
NAME                         CLUSTER                         NAMESPACE  PROJECT  STATUS  HEALTH   SYNCPOLICY  CONDITIONS  REPO                   PATH                                          TARGET
eks-1                        https://kubernetes.default.svc  default    default  Synced  Healthy  Auto-Prune  <none>      ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL}  clusters/eks-1/mgmt                           main
eks-1-guestbook-static                                       default    default  Synced  Healthy  Auto-Prune  <none>      ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL}  profiles/dynamic-1/workload/guestbook-static  HEAD
eks-1-profile-dynamic-1      https://kubernetes.default.svc  argocd     default  Synced  Healthy  Auto-Prune  <none>      ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL}  profiles/dynamic-1/mgmt                       HEAD
eks-1-xenial                                                 default    default  Synced  Healthy  Auto-Prune  <none>      ${WORKSPACE_REPO_URL}  profiles/dynamic-1/workload/xenial            HEAD

The top-level app eks-1 is the root of all argocd apps that make up the cluster and its configuration contents. The next level app eks-1-profile-dynamic-1 represents the profile, and its children apps eks-1-guestbook-static and eks-1-xenial correspond to the bundles.

Note: The overall tree-like organization of the apps and their health status can be visually observed in the ArgoCD web user interface.

The cluster is fully deployed once those apps are all Synced and Healthy. An EKS cluster typically takes 10-15 minutes to finish deploying.

Behavioral differences between static and dynamic bundles & profiles

Static bundle

A change to a static bundle does not affect existing clusters using that bundle (through a profile). To illustrate this, bring up the ArgoCD UI and open the detailed view of the eks-1-guestbook-static application, which applies the guestbook-static bundle to the eks-1 cluster. Note that there is only one guestbook-ui pod.

Next, update the guestbook-static bundle to have 3 replicas of the pod:

arlon bundle update guestbook-static --from-file examples/bundles/guestbook-3replicas.yaml

Note that the UI continues to show one pod. Only new clusters consuming this bundle will have the 3 replicas.

Dynamic profile

Before discussing dynamic bundles, we take a small detour to introduce dynamic profiles, since this will help understand the relationship between profiles and bundles. To illustrate how a profile can be updated, we remove guestbook-static bundle from dynamic-1 by specifying a new bundle set:

arlon profile update dynamic-1 --bundles xenial

Since the old bundle set was guestbook-static,xenial, that command resulted in the removal of guestbook-static from the profile. In the UI, observe the eks-1-profile-dynamic-1 app going through Sync and Progressing phases, eventually reaching the healthy (green) state. And most importantly, the eks-1-guestbook-static app is gone. The reason this real-time change to the cluster was possible is that the dynamic-1 profile is dynamic, meaning any change to its composition results in arlon updating the corresponding compiled Helm chart in git. ArgoCD detects this git change and propagates the app / configuration updates to the cluster.

If the profile were of the static type, a change in its composition (the set of bundles) would not have affected existing clusters using that profile. It would only affect new clusters created with the profile.

Dynamic bundle

To illustrate the defining characteristic of a dynamic bundle, we first add guestbook-dynamic to dynamic-1:

arlon profile update dynamic-1 --bundles xenial,guestbook-dynamic

Observe the re-appearance of the guestbook application, which is managed by the eks-1-guestbook-dynamic ArgoCD app. A detailed view of the app shows 1 guestbook-ui pod. Remember that a dynamic bundle's manifest content is stored in git. Use these commands to change the number of pod replicas to 3:

git pull # to get all latest changes pushed by arlon
vim bundles/guestbook/guestbook.yaml # edit to change deployment's replicas to 3
git commit -am "increase guestbook replicas"
git push origin main

Observe the number of pods increasing to 3 in the UI. Any existing cluster consuming this dynamic bundle will be updated similarly, regardless of whether the bundle is consumed via a dynamic or static profile.

Static profile

Finally, a profile can be static. It means that it has no corresponding "compiled" component (a Helm chart) living in git. When a cluster is deployed using a static profile, the set of bundles (whether static or dynamic) it receives is determined by the bundle set defined by the profile at deployment time, and will not change in the future, even if the profile is updated to a new set at a later time.

Cluster updates and upgrades

The arlon cluster update [flags] command allows you to make changes to an existing cluster. The clusterspec, profile, or both can change, provided that the following rules and guidelines are followed.


There are two scenarios. In the first, the clusterspec name associated with the cluster hasn't changed, meaning the cluster is using the same clusterspec. However, some properties of the clusterspec's properties have changed since the cluster was deployed or last updated, using arlon clusterspec update Arlon supports updating the cluster to use updated values of the following properties:

  • kubernetesVersion
  • nodeCount
  • nodeType

Note: Updating the cluster is not allowed if other properties of its clusterspec (e.g. cluster orchestration API provider, cloud, cluster type, region, pod CIDR block, etc...) have changed, however new clusters can always be created/deployed using the changed clusterspec.

A change in kubernetesVersion will result in a cluster upgrade/downgrade. There are some restrictions and caveats you need to be aware of:

  • The specific Kubernetes version must be supported by the particular implementation and release of the underlying cluster orchestration API provider, cloud, and cluster type.
  • In general, the control plane will be upgraded first
  • Existing nodes are not typically not upgraded to the new Kubernetes version. Only new nodes (added as part of manual nodeCount change or autoscaling)

In the second scenario, as part of an update operation, you may choose to associate the cluster with a different clusterspec altogether. The rule governing the allowed property changes remains the same: the cluster update operation is allowed if, relative to the previously associated clusterspec, the new clusterspec's properties differ only in the values listed above.


You can specify a completely different profile when updating a cluster. All bundles previously used will be removed from the cluster, and new ones specified by the new profile will be applied. This is regardless of whether the old and new profiles are static or dynamic.


These sequence of commands updates a clusterspec to a newer Kubernetes version and a higher node count, then upgrades the cluster to the newer specifications:

arlon clusterspec update capi-eks --nodecount 3 --kubeversion v1.19.15
arlon cluster update eks-1

Note that the 2nd command didn't need any flags because the clusterspec used is the same as before.

This example updates a cluster to use a new profile my-new-profile:

arlon cluster update eks-1 --profile my-new-profile

Implementation details

Cluster chart

The cluster chart is a Helm chart that creates (and optionally applies) the manifests necessary to create a cluster and deploy desired configurations and applications to it. When a user uses Arlon to create and configure a cluster, he or she specifies a profile. The profile's cluster specification, bundle list and other settings are used to generate values for the chart, and the chart is deployed as a Helm release into the arlon namespace in the management cluster.

Here is a summary of the kinds of resources generated and deployed by the chart:

  • A unique namespace with a name based on the cluster's name. All subsequent resources below are created inside of that namespace.
  • The stack-specific resources to create the cluster (for e.g. Cluster API resources)
  • A clusterregistration to automatically register the cluster with ArgoCD
  • A GitRepoDir to automatically create a git repo and/or directory to host a copy of the expanded bundles. Every bundle referenced by the profile is copied/unpacked into its own subdirectory.
  • One ArgoCD Application resource for each bundle.


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