
Fail compiling with LuaJit 2.1

data-man opened this issue · 3 comments

First of all I want to say a big thank you for an amazing project!
Now about the problems: I'm using LuaJit21 from a master branch.

Unfortunately the Selene is not compiling with LuaJit 2.1.
The first mistake because of a simple typo: in file Selector.h on line 152 should be lua_pushvalue instead lua_push_value.

The second problem is more serious - there is no function in LuaJit luaL_setmetatable (lua_State * L, const char * tname).

Any chance to correct a errors?

I would also like to have LuaJit support for Selene.
It's such a huge performance increase compared to normal Lua.
Would adding LuaJit support be possible?

This pull request looks promising? [(]
Sadly the selene creator is no longer supporting this project?

or maybe as a better alternative?: