- 1
It seems that more than two objects cannot be registered(Will be overwritten)
#185 opened by AndThenYou - 0
#184 opened by moon142857 - 1
Function call is not working
#183 opened by was547 - 0
- 3
selene 5.1 + support?
#136 opened by masterjo - 1
Is it possible to check if a sel::Selector is nil?
#181 opened by arnavb - 0
#180 opened by mjohannessen - 3
- 2
consider new release (git tag)
#164 opened by anthraxx - 0
Error calling basic function from Lua
#177 opened by gmisail - 0
Add example call function bar()
#176 opened by pavel-pimenov - 7
- 3
How do I create a table from C++?
#170 opened by vinniefalco - 0
Interface complex classes
#174 opened by Pyriphlegethon - 0
Return lua table from C++ function.
#173 opened by luciancaetano - 0
Constant memory growth
#172 opened by sebt3 - 0
Error: "unregistered type expected" when using references and pointers while calling a Lua bound method.
#171 opened by malhotraprateek - 1
const std::string& class function
#166 opened by ptdave20 - 0
This library is beautiful
#159 opened by vinniefalco - 0
Create an API refernece
#160 opened by drmgc - 2
MSVC 2013 doesn't support noexcept sadly
#124 opened by Zardoz89 - 2
Does Selene support lua 5.2+ ?
#152 opened by nickyang4github - 0
Does not work with luajit
#162 opened by monada99 - 0
- 1
Return multiple values from C++ to Lua
#149 opened by shohnwal - 0
Add support for arrays
#158 opened by morsisko - 3
Fail compiling with LuaJit 2.1
#96 opened by data-man - 0
- 1
- 11
- 1
Get table length and a way to iterate over it
#102 opened by lurk26 - 2
How to override lua print
#110 opened by Zardoz89 - 1
Calling function with string as argument from Lua
#112 opened by ChrSacher - 1
Is selene thread safe?
#139 opened by lucklove - 2
Compilation Errors
#138 opened by AndrewChicco - 1
Pass by value
#132 opened by AnonymousProgrammerLandau - 1
Remove specializations for void
#134 opened by AnonymousProgrammerLandau - 0
- 0
Functions with a variable number of arguments?
#130 opened by drmgc - 2
Add 64-bit integers in primitives.h
#128 opened by BorisCarvajal - 1
- 4
- 5
`make_unique` at include/selene/Registry.h:39
#118 opened by xicoh - 2
Building in a shared library
#120 opened by xicoh - 0
- 3
Lua variable to std::string fails on VS2015
#103 opened by Zardoz89 - 0
Requires Lua 5.2+
#108 opened by daghack - 0
- 1
- 8
Support Visual Studio 2015
#99 opened by arvidsson