
Stripe form to purchase gift cards from Canlis

Primary LanguageCSS


First, npm install then npm run start.

Local Environment

To run this app locally, you'll need to configure your environment with a few keys located in various files.

  1. In a file titled .env located in the root of the repo. If you don't have this file, go ahead and create it. Swap out the prod keys for test keys in the following places:
  1. On line 114 of /public/giftcard.js with the same key you used for keyPublishable in .env. Don't forget to change this back to the live keys when you deploy, otherwise you'll break the app in production.

Note: In production, this .env file is replaced by Heroku's "Config Vars" so there's no need to deploy it. It's currently ignored in the .gitignore to ensure this.

Heroku (Hosting)

This app is hosted as canlisgiftcard on Heroku.com under jeremy@jeremypbeasley.com.

It no longer deploys automatically from master.


Receipts are sent via Google Mail in the account designated in the .env file. The code for this email is in /app.js.


Testing must be done in test mode. Docs here: https://stripe.com/docs/testing

In order to quickly test, there are a series of autofill scripts at the head of giftcard.js that may be used. Just make sure these are commented out when deployed to production.