
This repository shows how lexical scoping of `letfn` works across different namespaces.

Primary LanguageClojure

Lexical Scoping of letfn across namespaces

This repository shows how lexical scoping of letfn works across different namespaces.


It seems that there is an unexpected behavior between the ClojureScript compiler (~v1.0.495) and Google Closure that causes incorrect behavior of letfn when a letfn is defined in multiple namespaces, but the fn is named the same.

(ns hello-world.one)

(letfn [(answer [] "1")]
  (defn get-answer []

(ns hello-world.two)

(letfn [(answer [] "2")]
  (defn get-answer []

(ns hello-world.core
  (:require [hello-world.one]

(println "one =>" (hello-world.one/get-answer))  ; one => 1
(println "two =>" (hello-world.two/get-answer))  ; two => 1      WHAT?!?