fugue is...
- a tool for making music with a web browser
- a library and bootstrapped ClojureScript IDE for audio/midi applications
- Overtone on the web
...and lets you...
- quickly prototype musical programming experiments without installation or setup
- rapidly develop user interfaces with Reagent, live in the browser
- control a modular synthesizer from the web (if you have a DC-coupled audio interface)
- get the most out of the Web Audio and Web MIDI APIs
...with some nifty features
- operators are just functions that return synthdefs, and can be composed (e.g. with
) - parameters for operators can be other synthdefs, Watchables (like Reagent atoms), or just values
- synthdefs are just values, implemented with directed loom graphs
- synthdefs are constructed using a context (audio in/out or midi, which requires browser permission)
- discrete signals (like midi) are implemented with core.async channels
- midi effects, gates, envelopes, ramps, and other transformations are modeled with transducers
(def tempo (reagent.core/atom 120))
(def decay (midi-ctrl "FaderFox" 33 0.3 0.8))
(def cutoff (lfo 400 200 0.2))
(def m (metro tempo))
(def freq-env
(->> m
(sequencer [64 62 60 62 64 64 64 64])
(env-gen (slide 0.01)))
(def gain-env
(env-gen (perc 0.1 decay) (sequencer [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0] m) 0.5))
(def mary-had-a-little-synth
(-> (saw freq-env)
(gain gain-env)
(lpf cutoff 2)
(panner 0)
(make-synth (make-ctx) mary-had-a-little-synth)
- These operators match the Web Audio API AudioNodes.
- All arguments to these functions (except the ones called "in", which must be a synthdef) can be numbers, Watchables (like Reagent atoms), or other synthdefs
(out node channel)
(in channel)
(gain in & gains)
(mix & ins)
(const & offsets)
(sin-osc freq detune)
(saw freq detune)
(sqare freq detune)
(tri-osc freq detune)
(lpf in frequency q)
(bpf in frequency q)
(hpf in frequency q)
(delay-node in time)
(panner in amt)
(compressor threshold knee ratio reduction attack release)
- MIDI in/out requires a browser permission, and the context is loaded separately via
- These operators return synthdefs, which are built into core.async channels and transducers upon construction
- Transducers are a natural way to model MIDI effects, as they are potentially stateful transformers agnostic of their carriers
(midi-in name) ; Acquires a midi channel
(ctrl midi note min max) ; Maps the control value at note to range [min, max)
(note midi) ; Gets the "current" note as defined by a priority function (by default, `last`)
(hz midi) ; Produces a frequency channel from a note channel
(gate midi) ; Produces a gate channel from a midi channel
(kb) ; A midi channel controlled by the computer keyboard (a is C, w is C#, s is D, etc; z is octave down, x is octave up)
- Envelopes control audio parameters over time.
- Envelopes are just synthdefs, and are defined by an envdef and triggered by a gate channel, sort of like how Overtone does it.
- envdefs like
are transducers that map their parameters (attack, decay, etc) to a function on a gate value that returns a sequence of stages env-gen
is a transducer that takes these envdefs and, when it receives a new gate, uses the stages defined by the envdef to produce ramps that control the parameters
(adsr a d s r)
(perc a d)
(env-gen env gate scale bias)
- AudioBuffers must be loaded ahead of time, and included in the context when building a synthdef
- Fugue provides tools for uploading and decoding files to AudioBuffers and caching them for playback.
- Samplers can be 1-shot (trigger) or gate
- Samples can be tuned using the detune parameter, which is in cents so it can be played like an instrument with a midi signal (offset from middle C, midi note 60)
(sampler buffer-name trigger detune)
The convolver node (used primarily for reverbs) also uses audio buffers, and can be passed an audio buffer name in the same way:
(convolver in buffer-name)
- Metronomes are channels that fire repeatedly with a given interval
- Metronomes can be used as gate values, to fire an envelope or trigger a sequencer
- To get over the "Tale of Two Clocks" problem, metronomes deliberately fire early, but use the AudioContext's clock to determine how early they are and provide a delay in their payload. This delay is accounted for by envelopes, which will push back their ramps accordingly.
(bpm tempo) ; converts beats-per-minute to period
(metro period-ms)
- Uses
to evaluate on changes - If the last expression is a Hiccup vector, it is rendered
- The
is imported into the environment, and contains aliases for the various operators fugue.ctx-ctrls
contains tooling for managing the AudioContext, which must be done manually.
Uses Leiningen
lein figwheel
starts a development server at localhost:3449.
lein do clean, cljsbuild once
cd resources/public
python3 -m http.server 8000
to preview a build production at localhost:8000.
GitHub Actions are set up to build to GitHub pages.
- Klangmeister - same concept, different execution
- Overtone - uses the powerful SuperCollider engine
Copyright © 2020 pdv
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.