
Plugin and Snippets for MODX Revo (modx.com). Allows easy creation of maps and markers using Google Maps API.

Primary LanguagePHP


Gmarker is an integration of the Google Maps API (v3) for MODX Revolution. This AddOn will let you easily display maps and markers and it will perform geocoding on address information and cache the results.

In includes the following elements:

  • Gmarker Snippet : use this Snippet to draw a map with pins (markers) on it, each representing a page on your site.
  • Gmap Snippet : use this Snippet to easily draw a simple Google Map
  • Glocation Snippet : this is a utility Snippet, used to geocode submitted forms or to add geocoding functionality to other elements on your page.
  • Geocoding-Plugin : this will automatically look up latitude and longitude coordinates for pages containing location information (address, city, state, etc.) and store the values as TVs on your pages.

See the Wiki for more information: https://github.com/craftsmancoding/gmarker/wiki

Overview video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dayu6RXZld4