
Welcome to "A Bite Into" - a repository where we delve into the fascinating world of artificial intelligence through practical and interactive tutorials. Our aim is to provide a hands-on approach to learning AI, making it accessible and engaging for everyone, from beginners to more advanced enthusiasts.

Primary LanguageC++

A Bite Into


"A Bite Into" is designed as a series of tutorials that explore various aspects of artificial intelligence. Each tutorial is standalone, allowing learners to pick topics that interest them the most. Our tutorials range from basic concepts to more advanced topics, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

Current Samples

  • Transformer:To develop a seq2seq model based on the transformer architecture as described in the paper "Attention Is All You Need." The model will focus on a simple yet effective task: echoing user input. This project aims to demonstrate the capabilities of transformer models in processing and replicating sequences.

  • cnn cpp:This project is a simple CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) framework implemented in C++ using Eigen and OpenCV libraries. It provides a basic setup for building and training neural networks, including various common layers and optimization techniques. The primary goal of this framework is to demonstrate fundamental concepts and operations of CNNs, making it an educational tool for understanding and experimenting with neural networks.