PostCSS plugin for uploads local images to the CDN.
.foo {
/* Input example */
background: url("/assets/opo9828c.jpg");
.foo {
/* Output example */
background: url("");
baseUrl: ""
// oss: {
// accessKeyId: 'accessKeyId',
// accessKeySecret: 'accessKeySecret',
// bucket: 'xmpt-sit',
// endpoint: '',
// https: true,
// delDistImg: false,
// region: 'oss-cn-shenzhen'
// }
weapp: {
module: {
postcss: {
// "postcss-flexbugs-fixes": {
// enable: true
// }
autoprefixer: {
enable: true
"postcss-assets-urls": {
enable: true,
config: {
baseUrl: "",
oss: {
accessKeyId: "accessKeyId",
accessKeySecret: "accessKeySecret",
bucket: "bucket",
endpoint: "",
https: true,
delDistImg: false,
region: "oss-cn-shenzhen"