Create a Lean Canvas out of a markdown list
!! Works currently only with firefox !!
Rendered lean canvas based on this markdown file:
- Clone or download this git repository
- Edit
- Fire up your browser and open
Create a markdown textfile
in the same directory as the mdCanvas.html
# Canvas
Lean Canvas to save the earth
# Problem
1. How to save the earth
# Customer-segment
1. All people of the world
1. Wildlife
# Unique-Value-Proposition
The time is **not in love** with us
# Solution
- Supply mankind with engouh food and housing
- Create peace
- Dispose money and greed
# Channels
- Word of mouth
# Cost-Structure
- Smile and Conviction
# Revenue-Stream
- Better life
- Peace and Harmony
# Key-Metrics
- Environmental pollution control
- Food and housing control
# Unfair-advantage
- Goodlike status
If you add a todo section in your markdown textfile it will show up under the canvas.
# Todo
- This headline is optional. If not stated it will not show up
URL: /path/to/your/mdCanvas.html?md=project
- Use of easy webserver, like
- Make the todo section disapear when clicking on the headline. So that the canvas can be printed without todolist.
- Add Colors. Automatic highlights of pairs.
- Link list has problems with filenames including spaces. They should be removed from list. Perhaps with Error-Message
- Get hint, if a md file does not exists, but there is a link in the sidebar
- Try simpel http server, to overcome the restriction, that I cannot read and save files with javascript!
- Try to create a image of the page, and then convert this to pdf for printing. Problem, screenshot should be done, after the md content is loaded.
- should work with no internet connection
- Integrate mdCanvas in with submodule? Or use own github specific documentation and link it togehter in