The application will have 3 types of users such as Admin, Employer, Employee, with role based login and authorization
Admin Can:
- Admin can manage users (Employee, Empoyer) just with status updating to login.
- Can view all Jobs created by Employer.
- Can view users profile.
Empoyer Can:
- Employer can manage jobs, create-edit-delete-view.
- Can view only employees list and profile.
- Can view, delete applied employees.
- Can chat with applied employees.
- Can view employees subscribed to his job feeds.
Empoyee Can:
- Employee can list, view, apply all jobs posted by employer.
- Once applied he cannot reapply for that same job.
- Can see how many views the job has got.
- Can see applied jobs.
- Can see the details like, employer has seen or replied to him.
- Can subscribe or unsubscribe anytime to particular employer's job posts.
- Can see how many employers he as subscribed to.
All Users Can:
- Update Profile pic and update profile details based on there role.
- Update Password.
- After Pull, go inside project folder and composer update
- Now create database with name dem in phpmyadmin(mysql).
- Enter DB Credentials in .env file
- Now in terminal or cmd go inside the JOB folder and type the below following commands:
- php artisan migrate (Migrates all the Database Tables).
- Open terminal and go inside project directory and type sudo chmod 777 -R storage/ bootstrap/ - For permission setup in Linux
- Go inside public directory inside project directory in terminal and sudo chmod 777 -R assets/ - For permission setup to store image, docs files.
- Now go to browser and type the folder url.
Framework used: Laravel (6.15.1)
For your information still it has some frontend bugs like and i am working on it
- while chatting with employer => employee and inverse of them, messages are not properly appended.
- unwanted chat links for admin and other places where its is not required.
If you find any server side bug or need to correct me, just mail me at