
Figuring out how to use Java RMI.

Primary LanguageJava


This is a simple program to understand and get started with RMI basics in Java.

How to Run

Compile source files

To compile the Java source files, run the javac command as follows:

javac *.java

This will lead to the .class files being generated in the same firectory as the source files.

Start RMI Registry

To start the registry on the server, execute the rmiregistry command.

For example, on Linux:

rmiregistry &

For example, on Windows:

start rmiregistry

This command produces no output and is typically run in the background.

Start Server and Client

Next, start the server using the command:

java CalculatorImpl

Once the registry and server are running, the client can be run in a new terminal as follows:

java CalculatorClient