
(Backup) A tattoo design contest website built with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Typescript, Stripe, SocketIO, Material UI, and Amazon S3.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


TATTOO ART is a tattoo design contest website. Any user can create a contest for a tattoo design or submit a design to a contest.


Tech Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Typescript, Stripe, SocketIO, Material UI, Amazon S3

Contributors: Eric, Jeri, Khalil, Rajiv


Contest Details

Contest Creation

Create a contest and set the deadline and prize amount. When the deadline ends, select a winner with your preferred payment method. Payments are managed with Stripe.

Discovery Page

Design Submission

Check out or search for contests on the Discovery page then submit your design. Contests allow for multiple submissions. Files are stored through Amazon S3.



Contact any of the submitters to your contest. Conversations are available in the messaging page so you can go back to a previous conversation. You can also see whether the intended recipient is online.



Receive notifications with the submission thumbnail when someone submits a design for your contest.



Change your profile photo, cover photo, and add information about yourself. The profile page also showcases active contests.

Getting Started

  1. Clone or download repository.
  2. Run npm i on both client and server directories.
  3. Create and fill up .env files in the client and server directories where sample.env files are available.

Running the App

  • To run client and server concurrently, issue npm run dev in the root directory. OR
  • Separately, issue npm run dev in the server directory and npm run start in the client directory.