dstack.ai + whisper example

This repo contains a simple test example in processor.py employing dstack.ai for a speech-to-text translation task using a few example videos (in /test_data/input_data).

For the test run here a very small CPU only machine on AWS was used via the following .dstack/profile.yaml template:

  - name: small_test
    project: aws_test
       memory: 8GB
    default: true

Example overview

The main logic of the processor.py function for a given example video - given below - is to first strip off the audio portion of the file, and then employ whisper via the transformers library for processing.

# create pipeline
pipe = pipeline(model="openai/whisper-base", device_map="auto")

# video name
video_name = video_file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]

# Save the audio clip as an MP3 file
audio_file = audio_directory + '/' + video_name + '.mp3'

# extract audio from video
extract_audio(video_file, audio_file)

# process audio
output = pipe(audio_file, chunk_length_s=30)