
ultra simple command line tool for docker-scaling batch processing

Primary LanguagePython

Python application Upload Python Package


quick_batch is an ultra-simple command-line tool for large batch python-driven processing and transformation. It was designed to be fast to deploy, transparent, and portable. This allows you to scale any processor function that needs to be run over a large set of input data, enabling batch/parallel processing of the input with minimal setup and teardown.

Getting started

All you need to scale batch transformations with quick_batch is a

  • transformation function(s) in a processor.py file
  • Dockerfile containing a container build appropriate to y our processor
  • an optional requirements.txt file containing required python modules

Document paths to these objects as well as other parameters in a config.yaml config file of the form below.

Under processor you can either define a dockerfile_path to your Dockerfile or an image_name to a pre-built image to be pulled.

  input_path: /path/to/your/input/data
  output_path: /path/to/your/output/data
  log_path: /path/to/your/log/file

  feed_rate: <int - number of examples processed per processor instance>
  order_files: <boolean - whether or not to order input files by size>

  dockerfile_path: /path/to/your/Dockerfile OR
  image_name: <image_name_to_pull>
  requirements_path: /path/to/your/requirements.txt
  processor_path: /path/to/your/processor/processor.py
  num_processors: <int - instances of processor to run in parallel>

quick_batch will point your processor.py at the input_path defined in this config.yaml and process the files listed in it in parallel at a scale given by your choice of num_processors.

Output will be written to the output_path specified in the configuration file.

You can see the examples directory for examples of valid configs, processors, requirements, and dockerfiles.


To start processing with your config.yaml use quick_batch's config command at the terminal by typing

quick_batch config /path/to/your/config.yaml

This will start the build and deploy process for processing your data as defined in your config.yaml.


Use the scale commoand to manually scale the number of processors / containers running your process

quick_batch scale <num_processors> 

Here <num_processors> is an integer >= 1. For example, to scale to 3 parallel processors / containers: quick_batch scale 3


To install quick_batch, simply use pip:

pip install quick-batch

The processor.py file

Create a processor.py file with the following basic pattern:

import ...

def processor(todos):
  for file_name in todos.file_paths_to_process:
    # processing code

The todos object will carry in feed_rate number of file names to process in .file_paths_to_process.

Note: the function name processor is mandatory.

Why use quick_batch

quick_batch aims to be

  • dead simple to use: versus standard cloud service batch transformation services that require significant configuration / service understanding

  • ultra fast setup: versus setup of heavier orchestration tools like airflow or mlflow, which may be a hinderance due to time / familiarity / organisational constraints

  • 100% portable: - use quick_batch on any machine, anywhere

  • processor-invariant: quick_batch works with arbitrary processes, not just machine learning or deep learning tasks.

  • transparent and open source: quick_batch uses Docker under the hood and only abstracts away the not-so-fun stuff - including instantiation, scaling, and teardown. you can still monitor your processing using familiar Docker command-line arguments (like docker service ls, docker service logs, etc.).