
Content for AI Hack Day 2022

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AI Hack Day 2022

Here is the repository of resources, presentations, demos and links for AI Hack Day.

Event details: https://aihackday.com/

Next event:

AI Hack Day 2022 - Sydney

Presentations: https://github.com/jernejk/aihackday2022/tree/main/Sydney/Presentations

Getting Started with Cognitive Services

How to get started with Cognitive Services, many examples of Cognitives Services and how to use them.

Cognitive Service Graph


AI/ML in Power Bi

An overview on AI/ML within Power BI and on how to leverage its capabilities.


Boost your Customer Service with Opinion Mining

Good service acts as a catalyst for your customers and helps you get new customers, absolutely (or almost) free of charge. These customers express their opinions about range of things, every day. As this unstructured, raw data grows, it gets more difficult to analyse hence, to tackle these issues, a natural language processing technique (NLP) comes into play which is called Opinion Mining.


🧑‍💻 CognitiveRocket repo - https://github.com/arafattehsin/CognitiveRocket

📪 Blog Post - https://www.arafattehsin.com/customer-service-with-opinion-mining/

📊 Sentiment Analysis and Opining Mining - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cognitive-services/language-service/sentiment-opinion-mining/overview

🧑‍💻 Samples - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/azure/azure-sdk-for-net/azure-text-analytics-client-sdk-samples/

MS Learn

Microsoft Learn is a free online learning platform that helps you learn about the latest technologies and tools.



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