
🤖 Auto Content Generator: An Azure Function in C# that leverages OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo to automatically generate markdown formatted blog posts, commit the new file, and create a pull request on your GitHub repository. Easy setup with environment variables and customizable prompts.

Primary LanguageC#

Auto Content Generator

YouTube video
Original Video

YouTube video
Feature: Interactive Review Process...Coming to the repo soon!

Auto Content Generator is an Azure Function written in C# that uses OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo to generate new markdown formatted blog posts. I have left my prompt in there to show you what I did, but obviously you will need to update it to meet the requirements of your blog. The function clones a specified GitHub repository, generates a new Markdown file with the blog post content, commits the new file, and creates a pull request for the change.

Environment Variables:

  • GitHubToken: The personal access token for your GitHub account.
  • GitHubRepoOwner: The owner of the GitHub repository.
  • GitHubRepoName: The name of the GitHub repository.
  • GitHubEmail: The email address of your GitHub account.
  • GitHubPostsDirectory: The directory in the repository where the blog posts are stored.
  • OpenAIKey: Your OpenAI API key.


  1. Set the required environment variables in the local.settings.json file.

Sample local.settings.json:

  "IsEncrypted": false,
  "Values": {
    "AzureWebJobsStorage": "",
    "GitHubToken": "<your_github_token>",
    "GitHubRepoOwner": "<repository_owner>",
    "GitHubRepoName": "<repository_name>",
    "GitHubEmail": "<github_email>",
    "GitHubPostsDirectory": "<posts_directory>",
    "OpenAIKey": "<your_openai_key>"
  1. Deploy the function to Azure.
  2. Call the HTTP trigger whenever you want a new blog post
  3. Set up the GitHub webhook...the event is pull_request_review and the payload URL will be https://.azurewebsites.net/api/HandlePullRequestComment?code=