
Exploits of vulnerabilities found in the Foscam C1 IP Camera

Primary LanguageHTML

Foscam Vulnerability Exploit


The use of security cameras in private homes is gradually increasing. A significant factor in this growth is the popularity of Internet Protocol (IP) cameras. Unfortunately, the Internet of Things (IoT), which IP cameras are a part of, is known for its vulnerabilities. Using the Foscam C1 IP camera as a representative of this category, we demonstrate the weaknesses of IP cameras. This applet will exploit the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), and leverage its weaknesses to establish a Man in The Middle (MiTM) position, from which we can perform Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and login spoofing.

Attack Setup

The requirements for executing the attack are twofold,

  1. The attacking machine and the Foscam C1 camera must be part of the same physical network, and
  2. The IP addresses of the attacking machine, the victim machine, the proxy server and the Foscam C1 must be known. To achieve these goals, external software such as Nmap may be used.

Moreover, an external web server must be launched. More information can be found in section Web Server at the bottom of this page.

The applet also relies on the functionality of two Python modules, mitmproxy and PySimpleGUI. These must be installed prior to executing the attack.

Executing Attack

To execute the attack, one must run the main.py file with root privilages. As a result of the use of shellcode, it is recommended to run the attack in an IDE, such as PyCharm, whilst logged into the Root account. Note that all files must be in the same folder for the applet to launch.
When main.py has started running, the applet build using PySimpleGUI will appear. From this screen one must enter the required IP addresses. Next, the login spoof can be launched by pressing the button labeled login Spoof. The Denial of Service can be launched by pressing the button labeled DoS.
The User Interface is shown in the image below.


Depending on the downloaded version of mitmproxy, executeProxy.sh might need to be changed to
sudo mitmdump -s request.py --mode transparent --ignore :443$ --listen-host $1
as opposed to
sudo mitmdump -s request.py --mode transparent --ignore-hosts :443$ --listen-host $1
The version of executeProxy.sh found in this repository is correct when using the current version of mitmproxy (v6.0.2) at the time of writing.

To stop the attack, the applet can be closed by either pressing ctrl+c, clicking the stop button in the toolbar or pressing ctrl+F2.

Web Server

We recommend using an Apache2 server on Ubuntu to run the webserver, since it is easy to use and only needs a few commands to get up and running. First download Apache2 on your machine by executing the following code in the terminal
sudo apt-get install apache2
or if already installed
sudo apt-get upgrade apache2

Secondly, we need to change the port configuration. Hence we run the following command
sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Under the line Listen 80 add a new line and type Listen 88. Exit and save this config file.

Thirdly, we need to add the index.html file and all images to the right directory for the server to read it.
Execute the commands
cd /var/www/html
sudo mkdir images
Next, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you stored the index.html file and images folder.
Once in the correct directory execute the following commands
sudo mv index.html /var/www/html
cd images
sudo mv * /var/www/html/images

Now that we have everything set up in a correct manner, we can start the server by running the command
sudo systemctl start apache2.service

To test if the server is working correctly, enter the IP address of the webserver on any other machine on the Local Area Network and check that it shows the fake login page.


The report on this vulnerability can be found in the report.pdf file