
A basic step-by-step project using the Combell autogit functionality to deploy.

Autogit: Simple Tutorial

This repository shows how you can use Combell Autogit to deploy a project.

My Combell

Go to https://my.combell.com/ and activate "Autogit".

Copy the displayed "Git repository", you'll need it later.

Local repository

Open the terminal on your local computer and create a local git repository (by cloning the Combell repository):

cd ~/Projects/
git clone domainbe@ssh.domain.be:auto.git domain.be
cd domain.be

Repository structure

We need a "www" folder and a ".autogit.yml" file in the repository to be able to deploy:

scp domainbe@ssh.domain.be:autogit.yml.example .autogit.yml
git add .autogit.yml
git commit -m "Add the default .autogit.yml template"
mkdir www
echo "<?php phpinfo();" > www/index.php
git add www/index.php
git commit -m "Add an index file to the required www folder (printing phpinfo)"


Deploying is as simple as pushing your local repository to the Combell remote:

git push origin master