
Bot for the 2023 edition of Infinibattle

Primary LanguageC#

Infinibattle 2023 Bot (template) "Excellente Bot"

Templated bot that uses an Excel spreadsheet to play "Barrage Stratego" in the 2023 Infinibattle.


The "Infinibattle" is a pseudo-yearly competition at Infi. A specific game is chosen, and contestants write a bot to play the game. The author of the winning bot gets a 3D-printed statue in our Utrecht office.

This "meta" bot was created to allow those without programming knowledge (or time) to participate in the Infinibattle after all. An Excel sheet steers the decisions of this bot. So multiple people can quickly create their own "AI" by handcrafting a spreadsheet.

The code is provided AS-IS, and is probably of little use without getting some more in-person context.