Welcome to the data package for the project ÔFL Studio Tutorials on YoutubeÕ by Group 15.

This package is structured in three subfolders; data, src and docs.

The 'data' folder contains the raw data that is collected through the API.
The script for the API itself can be found in the ÔsrcÕ folder.
Documentation with relevant information can be found in the ÔdocsÕ folder.

The documentation for this project can be found in the document 'Group15resit_DatasheetsforDataSets.pdf'

Throughout the documentation, the word 'Snippet' is used. A snippet is a brief extract from an instance and within YouTube this extract exists of video descriptions, thumbnails and other non-statistical datapoints. 

On the basis of feedback provided by lecturer Hannes Datta, this project was improved by Quinten de Putter and Jeroen Maagdenberg for a second submission.