
Verified exact real arithmetic in idris

Primary LanguageIdrisMIT LicenseMIT

Verified exact real arithmetic

This Idris program began as an exercise in programming with dependent types. That exercise turned out to be a lot harder than anticipated, and produced Composable algebraic specifications as a spin-off.

The goal is to build a verified implementation for a small subset of exact real arithmetic. Specifically, we implement the addition of real numbers represented as an infinite stream of symmetrically redundant digits. The most remarkable feature here is that you can start with the most significant digits, and then compute progressively more accurate results if desired. To explain what this means, we look at an example in radix 10.

A real number between -1 and 1 can be expressed as a stream of digits in the symmetric range [-9..9]. Consider two numbers, say x and y, expressed as such:

  x :      4   5  -7   0   9   1  ..     =>      4/10 + 5/100 - 7/1000 ..
  y :     -2   6  -7  -2   9   0  ..     =>    - 2/10 + 6/100 - 7/1000 ..

Just as in the usual decimal case, the interpretation is based on powers of 10. The only difference is that we allow negative digits. As a consequence, many different streams can represent the same real number. Now let us try to compute the sum of x and y. We proceed from left to right, adding pairs of equally significant digits from both streams:

  x + y :  2  11 -14  -2  18   1  ..

That new stream consists of digits in [-18..18]. We need to fit these sums back into the original [-9..9] range. Therefor we reduce them modulo 10, and track the differences:

           2   1  -4  -2   8   1  ..      reduced
           0  10 -10   0  10   0  ..      difference
       0   1  -1   0   1   0  ..          carry

Notice that we can always reduce [-18..18] into [-8..8] if we want to. It works precisely because we allow negative digits: 9 reduces to -1, so it cannot be made to fit into [0..8]. This observation is key. Just as in ordinary arithmetic, we carry the differences to the left. The carry digit can be -1, 0 or 1.

So why did we want to reduce summed digits into [-8..8] rather than [-9..9]? The point is, this offers exactly the necessary wiggle room to absorb one carry. Thus we always end up with a digit inside the original [-9..9] range, carry included. There is no cascade effect.

This allows us to incrementally compute the sum of two real numbers, i.e. processing digits from left to right, starting with the most significant ones. The above example used radix 10 because it is familiar to everyone, but the same trick works for any radix r >= 3. It does not work with binary representations though.

Although near trivial from a mathematical point of view, it turned out to be far from evident to express and prove the interesting invariants.